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hows about a challenge

kipper fluke

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how about drawing a line across the country and having a north v south challenge bend and straight event??? who would be up for that ???at a format to be dicided later say two foot straight and four foot bends ? just a thought.
wud be gud steve but were wud u run at?? askern lol it wud just bring up the same havoc. u cant keep every one happy. people from portsmouth wud moan if it was at easington and people from scotland wud moan if it was down south at thurrock or wherever. everyone cannot be pleased if ure a member or independent, all i say is u wanna go and race go if u dont dont. simple really, whatever the format whatever the track u wanna race. race. simple u will find more often than not people will still go and race and still moan. but they still turn up and run there dogs week in week out. true??
It's a good idea that steve, seeing as the regions are way to small now a North / South challenge might be good fun. Maybe have a central straight & bend track that's within reach for everyone, most southerners i can't see travelling to the likes of easington & vise versa so a central track would in theory attract more.
we cud do that but thats the problem now. theres no were to go. we have got the best venue anywere now in melton. which pleases most. but theres no bends thats the problem kinsley wont have anything to do with us. theres highgate?? askern?? both gets moans what can u do?? im only 17 why wud i want to get a dog formyself wen all the c**p thats goin on now just forces people away?? u get people saying we shud do this and that but nothin ever happens u get the same people all the time every week. wen i was little i always used to look forward to the weekend cos i used to enjoy goin but now bin bout 5 times in a year. 3 championships to helpout workin and stockton club once cos me dads wasnt well and at stockton open on saturday were there was moanin goin on at me cos i judgin. but nobody else volunteered 2 do the job now did they? NO all u get is moanin wat else was there om on saturday?? nothin?? there was 2 people that had travelled more than 50 mile 2 get there. so theres no wat there is gunna b a north/south comp.
you like being moaned at pigglett , :D see u in lanzarote lool ;)
hey neil is the avatar a hint ,and if so to WHO :D ...ha...ha....ha
how dooooo mutley yes it is alvin the chipmunk and i f****n hate being moaned at it does me hed in u goin to melton on sunday?? cant wait for the hol watch out lanzarote thats all ive got 2 say?? see u l8r elvis rim!!!!
thought it was u alvin lol im gonna moan at u all the holliday lol :D ;)
i think north and south challenge is a good idea it would be better than teams could be held at ashfordby maybe but who would arange it ???
I like the idea steve, but i feel we need to reduce the no. of opens down by half at least, this would give more time for club racing but more importantly it would start to make opens special again. I can still remember when i went to opens in the early seventies looking to see if any of the big names from up the midlands, never mind the north had turned up as all i had seen was from whippet news. I now see more of biddy fron scotland than i see dogs fro my own club as it is always non running because of members attending opens, and thers more because of no club racing we end up with club dogs having to compete against the open class dogs. Its a never ending circle that we must break if whippet racing is to progress forward from the slump it is in. Back to your question it would be a step in the right direction in my opinion. log in as jade but this is peter replying.

I have no real opinion on north vs south racing or anything like that,

But if ther was such an event, im sure the booze up would be somthing to go for,

I know thats why i goto most of the main events :p

Oh by the way, the holiday will be a right good laugh and im sure Andy has summit up his sleve/trouser-leg for Gary!!! :8

Perhaps the too many opens idea is worth debating on a separate topic.

I, for one, think there is much to discuss here; there are too many opens, but there is also too little regional interest.
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hey steveie boy lol as chairman of the south give me time and ill see what we can do but let do it for something like a bennifit winner choose or devide it hey this sounds good lets make it a venue for threres beer hey ive got a drink prob but i like it lol :c :D
i dont no like pheonom its gunna b a wicked hol if its not we will make it?? and gaza watch out im planning summit already, lol. i just feel sorry for my dad who takes all the shit as bwra sec. him and paul get no help with nothin only from a selected few. then whens summits wrong its there fault. if sum 1 out there can do a better job?? do it, i dont no bout all the drugs but why try and cheat to win sumthing when its a fun sport. why tr and cheat for 3 little letters???
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i couldent agree with u more mate, porky and paul both do hard jobs and they have to make alot of hard decisions under alot of pressure from everyone. its a hard job and im sure alot of people are glad that we have some good people doing it :)

oh, we were all gonna draw straws to see who was gonna be in beefys apartment for the hol, we might just stick tam in there as he is the most untidy and has an old man attitude to things so he will go well with beef :p
yeah i no wouldnt want them 2 get in our way, im gunna torcher gary bailey im gunna have his life
ohhhh are u now lol ??? hope u know what u letting u self in for alvin :D
i do m8 i do, by the way drama queen won the a final today dunno wat won the rest didnt ask my dad, gary ul just wait til were away then well have fun!!!! :p