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Can any one tell me how you put a picture as your signature / Please . I dont see abrowse button , only space for letters i
I don't know if this is right, Jax, but this is what I did and it seemed to work...

Have a picture ready on your computer.


Open a search engine page like google and find a good pic, right-click on the pic and scroll down to properties, copy the bit that says 'URL address', and keep that page up in case you need to repeat any step.

Open a new internet browser window and have K9 up.

Click on your name to go to your profile.

Click on 'Edit Signature'.

Type in your message etc as normal.

Click on the button that says IMG.

Paste in the copied 'URL address' that you got from the picture properties.

Click 'Okay'.

You should see etc inserted in your signature box under (or above, or wherever) your signature message.

Click 'Update Signature' and you should now see a preview of what your signature is like, and if you don't like it then you can fiddle with spacing and fonts etc.

Hope that works for you!
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Thanks for that Helena , I want to put one of my own pics on but how do I get pics properies up ? Ive got the pic up but cant find it :b :- "
Helena said:
Open a search engine page like google and find a good pic, right-click on the pic and scroll down to properties, copy the bit that says 'URL address', and keep that page up in case you need to repeat any step.
Open a new internet browser window and have K9 up.

Click on your name to go to your profile.

Click on 'Edit Signature'.

Type in your message etc as normal.

Click on the button that says IMG.

Paste in the copied 'URL address' that you got from the picture properties.

Click 'Okay'.

You should see etc inserted in your signature box under (or above, or wherever) your signature message.

Click 'Update Signature' and you should now see a preview of what your signature is like, and if you don't like it then you can fiddle with spacing and fonts etc.

Hope that works for you!
The description above is bandwidth theft.

For our site I have to pay every year for visitors to view what is there. So anyone looking at, for example, pictures of our dogs uses our bandwidth. If someone links to the pics and pastes that link onto another site it is MY bandwidth that is being used as the image is on our server and not that of the host you are viewing - but there is no acknowledgement as to the source of the pics.

There is also a problem with copyrights with any pics borrowed from other sites.

Basically eveyone needs to be careful on using images from other sites without the site owners permission When asked if an image from oursite can be used elsewhere we have always OK'd it but it is annoying when our pics are found on other sites being used without our permission. Usually when contacted the owners of the site is unaware of copyright and we, usually, agree to their use.

BTW Jax quite often using IE there are problems getting property boxes up. Try using FIREFOX and you can see where the image is hosted.
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You are right Dawn.

The owners of web sites have to pay for the bandwidth they use and other people linking to their graphics is definitely not on.

You should not link to any graphics on other web sites without the owners permission. Any images used must be copyright free, you should own the copyright or again you should have permission.
i Just want to put one of MY pictures on !! Maybe you could do it for me when you come to collect your bedding 8) , which I hope to get 2morrow ( Monday ) Dawn
:D Jax if you sign up with a site like (its free) you can upload your piccys there and get a html code for it......... then follow instuctions as above. :thumbsup:
Kripes - I was ignorant about this :unsure: . Sorry. Will immediately delete pic on my signature, I had no idea I was doing anything wrong.

Does this affect the thread where people were posting pics for "Name that Christmas Tune" etc? I don't think I can delete my contributions from a thread that's in the past - any help there, Nigel? :oops: :(
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I just ran this past a friend of mine who deals in e-commerce and he was astounded by it - and said, "But that's the way the internet works... people do it all the time."

Don't worry, I'm not going to re-instate my Santa pic, but you might be interested to know that the chap then went on to say that most people are actually pleased for this to happen because having the link a) increases traffic through their site and b) raises their link rating so that they rise higher in the search engine facility (sites are graded as to how many other sites are linked to them, and therefore sites with lots of other sites linked will come closer to the first choice that pops up when you do a search, rather than a site with no or few links which will be rated down on page 3,582, which searchers never get to.)

The more sites are linked to your site, the more likely other people are to find it early on in their search.


Well, he's partly right.

Third party links to your site can help with search engine ratings. But there is a difference between a link to an html page and a link to a .gif or .jpg image. The first is fine the second is bandwidth stealing and probably isn't going to help your rating much if at all.

It does happen a lot but that doesn't make it right or legal. Most site owners are not going to have much of a problem with it depending on the amount of bandwidth consumed. If it's a 5kb image that gets loaded 100 times in a month that's only 500Kb and is not going to cause much of a problem.

But, for example, if I linked in a third party image to K9 - let's say a 20kb image at the top of the page instead of the K9 logo - we get about 250,000 page views per month, that represents 5Gb of stolen bandwidth/month . I wouldn't be paying for that bandwidth used, it would come off the site I was loading the image from. That would make a significant dent in a lot of sites bandwith allowance and would exceed the allowance on many and so has a very real cost associated with it.

So if you do display an image from a third party site make sure you have their permission to link to it before I get irrate emails from the owner of the site saying we've used all their bandwidth (w00t)
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Like Helena I was ignorant of all of the above info re bandwidth theft - never heard of it before. :oops: Is that why a pic I uploaded with my signature disappeared after an hour or so?

I will now try to use my own pic - do they have to be a certain size to work or doesn't it matter?
After a number of failed attempts :( :( at last I seemed to have managed to post a photo (my own so no bandwidth stealing!!) with my signature!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: