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How Unusual Is This Collie Lurcher?


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Have to share my new foster dog with you - I have had many lurchers over the years, but never one that looks like this one!!

Meet Shaggy - (2 year old collie x lurcher)



He is a babe. He has a great temperament and loves other dogs as well as people. (He has come from a family with kids and a cat).

Shaggy is quite boingy and exuberant when out, but lovely and calm in the house. He has the gait of an afghan or a borzoi (not sure how I know that, but I'm sure you would all agree if you saw him - maybe it's the flowing hair that gives him that look when he is running.)

He is very obedient with excellent recall. I am hoping we will find him his forever home quickly - I am fast falling for this fella.... :lol:
Have to say personally that he looks more like a Border Collie X Bearded Collie to me..... Maybe others will disagree.
He is just lovely :wub: - I'm sure you will find a lovely home for him very soon. :luck:
I know what you mean Veejay, however Shaggy has the frame of a lurcher under all that hairy coat. It is hard to tell from the piccies. He also has lurchery personality and traits. :wub:

I reckon the collie in him is likely to be bearded collie .
looks and sounds like a marvellous dog

I hope he has a good future
Speechless - what a gorgeous looking chap :wub: :wub: I'm in love :wub: :huggles:
Veejay said:
Have to say personally that he looks more like a Border Collie X Bearded Collie to me..... Maybe others will disagree.
definately bearded collie, says my oh-looks like his old dog, ben, who was a bearded collie x.

handsome chap like that won't take long in finding a home :wub:
Shaggy is most certainly 100% lovely :wub:

I was trying to guess at his height from your pics in the garden,

there could indeed be many influences gone into creating such a handsome lad.

His feet keep drawing my eye...

How do you feel he moves when running?

Often the way the galloping gear operates can give a lot away.

On what we see here my money would be on him being predominantly beardie, the colouring certainly is'nt typical beardie right enough, hmmmm,

some smooth collies can be quite shapely which people forget when they look at the rough ones...Oh, I give in this is too hard :p

I think describing him as you have as 'colliexlurcher' suits him fine.

All the best :luck: with him

(and bless you for fostering him)


This is my lad Fynn,The general consensus being beardie/deerhound/greyhound/saluki/whippet the list is endless. :sweating:

I definately agree with the beardie and deerhound.He`s very laid back and has a lovely slow lollopy gait and stands about 26"

He`s very different to Shaggy who`s a lovely lad by the way...





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What fantastic action shots Fynnsfan...and what a beautiful dog - I also agree he looks deerhound x beardie! :wub:

He is an unusual looking lurcher too!...and fabulous with it of course! :D

Shaggy stands about 24" to the shoulder so considerable shorter than the flying Fynn! He is quite a long dog when he stretches out. He has a lollopy gallop that is absolutely nothing like a collie...a lot in looks like the little pic in your signature row...the hunched one. (I can't see it as I am typing this.)

It may not be his true gait yet as he has been cooped up for a long while and may have forgotten how to run properly. He seems to gallop in short bursts as if not sure how to do a long stretch. I think this will get better as he gets more exercise and builds up his stamina. 8)
i love the beard collie crosses, i have bearded collie greyhound

Ireland is full of collie's that look like ,and are marked exactly like that.It was the new breed of trial bred collie's that came about over here 20 odd year's ago.First time i seen one like this,was on one man and his dog.They were lighter ,and a fair bit nippier,than the original border,who was stronger boned.Now we have some who are smooth haired too.My guess is 3/4 border,1/4 greyhound.This is what people are breeding,to disguise the greyhound in them,as you would'nt get set upon ,near as quick,with one of that x,as it's not that unlike the real mc coy collie.There is a book out on lurcher's,but i cant remember which one at the moment,with a 3/4x1/4,that look's exactly like it.He could be Beardyxborder, to a half bred collie lurcher too though,as Hancock breed's a strain not unlike that.Another thing i see a lot of in this area now,is the Austrailian Kelpie. ...Billy...
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Shaggy is just lovely, I really do hope he gets the fun, loving home he deserves :wub:

Deirdre :)
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Fynn is a geat looking dog, really great pics. love the close up one of his face, he looks like he has a really good character, great action shots :p

Deirdre :)
Thanks ajs and bluebell-he`s fab.So laid back he`s horizontal most of the time and very gentle.

He was rescued from southern ireland and it`s taken us over a year to sort him out as he was in quite a physical and mental state.

It``s interesting to read other peoples opinions of shaggy as when i had another look i started to see a bit of terrier in there too!!!

Whatever he is-he`s lovely and deserves a loving home :D
That's really interesting Billy boy. Thanks for sharing. I love hearing about these sort of things. The world of lurchers and collies and their breeding lines to suit specific work purposes is fascinating. :D

Well Shaggy is off to meet a new family today so fingers crossed it could be his forever home. It is in Weston Supermare so he will have a beach to run on if they like him.

I reckon he has the temperament of a lurcher and the brains of a collie! As I said earlier I adore him. I have only had him here since Wednesday afternoon and already I am going to find it hard to part with him! (I am not cut out to be a fosterer really - even after having fostered over a hundred dogs, I still find it hard to part with some of them! :lol: )

I just really hope this family like him - can't imagine that anyone wouldn't - everyone who has met him so far whilst we have been out and about has been very impressed by his attitude and manners. o:)
(w00t) awwww, good luck shaggy! :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
:wub: Shaggy & Fynn are lovely. :wub: I would be proud to have either of those two come live with me. :thumbsup:

Yvonne xx
