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How to Teach a Puppy to Walk on a Lead

One dog training

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So I've compiled this blog post, it's to help any puppy owners to make their first step outside with their puppy companion that little easier. I go over collars and leads and also some recall games in the house on lead. There's a video of me explaining the collars and leads I use, and an infographic to explain more regarding choosing the right lead and collar and then what to do when outside with your puppy on the lead.

I link to 3 other resources as well as I like their training methods and feel a mindset of openness is good to have when training a dog or become a dog trainer.
I prefer a well fitting harness rather than a collar. It reduces the risk of damage to the trachea, and for teaching a puppy to walk it is far less aversive.

The dogs I see being walked on check/half check collars or head collars are usually the ones whose owners have a problem with them pulling. My opinion is that it's better to train not to pull (loose lead walking) rather than have to use a tool to stop it. And in a puppy that hasn't developed the habit, obviously it's far easier. A lot of head collars ride up the face and are quite uncomfortable - that's why they, and the action of half check collars work; the dog simply learns not to pull in order to avoid the discomfort (remember that joke about the man who was asked why he kept banging his head on a wall - because it was so nice when he stopped). Fortunately we don't need to make our dog uncomfortable in the first place. The desire to pull against pressure is a natural instinctive response in animals related to safety (oppositional reflex if you want to read more about it) but there are ways to teach a walk with no leash pressure or tension without causing your puppy discomfort. This video is one example.

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I used a headcollar on my dog for a while when he was a wild tenager to help me control him when he lunged, but it's far from ideal - it felt as if it worked in the same way someone pulling me along by the hair would work. It's much better, IMO, particularly with a pup learning about leads for the first time, to reward the dog for doing what you want it to do (reinforce the correct position) rather than punish/correct it when it gets it wrong.
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I also don't think having a jerk on the lead helps a puppy to be comfortable and confident with collar and lead. If anything, that is more likely to make the dog uncomfortable and afraid.
Harri's first collar was a light webbing one which we put on him the first day he came home and before we even considered teaching him to walk on a lead. He didn't even really notice he had it on. Once he grew a bit it was replaced by a leather one. I've never felt the need for a chain collar.

As for the lead training, I found having a treat in my hand kept the pup right where I wanted him. His loose lead walking is perfect. Just wish I could say the same for his recall!
I thought the chain collar died with Barbara Woodhouse:mad:
Ah but this is only a half check collar which only tightens to the length of the fabric :confused:. That said I have never seen one used that at full tightness still leaves room for two fingers between fabric and neck so there is still the discomfort of it tightening and the negative reinforcement for leaving slack.
APDT policy on half-check collars: APDT

The rough collie I grew up with wore a choke chain, I think recommended because it wouldn't damage her fur. Now, my parents weren't big on training but I do remember her pulling on the collar, becoming breathless and panting. Did it stop her pulling? Not one tiny little bit. She was a sweet, gentle, biddable dog and the only reason she wouldn't obey our commands was that we hadn't ever taught her any (beyond me teaching her 'sit' by pressing on her bum...) :D With just a little positive training she'd have walked beautifully, but those were unenlightened times.
Ah but this is only a half check collar which only tightens to the length of the fabric :confused:. That said I have never seen one used that at full tightness still leaves room for two fingers between fabric and neck so there is still the discomfort of it tightening and the negative reinforcement for leaving slack.

Hey thanks for the replies. Yeah that's how I set them up so I can fit two fingers under but the chain still checks...this way works for me.

Yeah every style is different and I'll take on board what everyone has said...always looking to adapt training methods.