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How To Ruin A Day


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we were driving to work this morning when we saw a baby bird in the middle of the road being attacked by two magpies :angry: his poor mum was distraught trying to fight them off.we couldnt stop as there were cars behind us and so had to drive over them.the baby survived and so did his mum who flew off but i think the baby was either injured by the magpies or too young to fly,so he was struggling in the middle of the road.i couldnt bear to look as the other cars drove over him and we couldnt stop and go back.i was so upset it completely ruined my day.i hope the poor thing got away but somehow i wonder if those magpies knew what they were doing.were they herding the baby into the road in order to get him run over so they could eat him?i hate magpies :rant:
kris said:
we were driving to work this morning when we saw a baby bird in the middle of the road being attacked by two magpies :angry: his poor mum was distraught trying to fight them off.we couldnt stop as there were cars behind us and so had to drive over them.the baby survived and so did his mum who flew off but i think the baby was either injured by the magpies or too young to fly,so he was struggling in the middle of the road.i couldnt bear to look as the other cars drove over him and we couldnt stop and go back.i was so upset it completely ruined my day.i hope the poor thing got away but somehow i wonder if those magpies knew what they were doing.were they herding the baby into the road in order to get him run over so they could eat him?i hate magpies :rant:
Kris, although i love all aspects of nature, thats one bird i loathe, now most young sparrows and sheppies are out there nests, just you look on your rooftops especially early mornings and see the mapies patrolling the guttering looking for youngsters swallow them whole i hate em

keith dont let it upset you its nature im afraid

thats what my hubs said keith,but im afraid it put a spoil on the day for me and ive not been able to forget about this baby bird since this morning. :( weve got some tiny wrens in the garden and robins and bluetits who are all nest building or feeding young.weve got 2 magpies in the garden patrolling all day long im sure theyre waiting for the babies to come out of their nests.if i had an airgun id shoot these b****** magpies. :angry: isnt nature cruel? :(
kris said:
thats what my hubs said keith,but im afraid it put a spoil on the day for me and ive not been able to forget about this baby bird since this morning. :( weve got some tiny wrens in the garden and robins and bluetits who are all nest building or feeding young.weve got 2 magpies in the garden patrolling all day long im sure theyre waiting for the babies to come out of their nests.if i had an airgun id shoot these b****** magpies. :angry: isnt nature cruel? :(
Must be nice that, wrens, robins, n blue tits in your garden, and yes that what the maggies are waiting for im afraid, anyways good luck


I have seen several Magpie's lately, i didnt realise they attacked other birds :(
we had a similar thing last year with a brood of thrushes,the magpies had rubbled where the nest was and wouldnt leave alone until they had killed everyone,its heartbreaking i know,what a hard life for the wild :(
ive just googled larsen traps but it says yu use a live magpie to cath other magpies with question being,how do you catch the decoy magpie in the first place :unsure:
Kris i know how you feel :(

Similar happened to me recently on a dual carriageway BUT it was a baby squirrel stranded in the road & i couldnt stop :eek:

I was freaking out, had to go down to the next roundabout, turn round come back, off at next roundabout & come all way back on myself :wacko:

Stopped on hard shoulder & could still see little mite in road & had now been injured, so i had to run in & out of rush hour traffic, armed with dogs towel to retreive poor little mite. :(

Got him back to saftey of my car & he died in my arms :eek: :(

I was gutted BUT glad i'd gone back & had done my best & at least i know he didnt suffer long.

I just hate it when you see things like this. My last expedition was on the M4 & did an extra 50 miles all the way back cos i was sure it was a cat i'd flown past on the hard shoulder & when i get back again the poor thing was already dead BUT i just knew if i didnt go back i'd NEVER sleep again not knowing :thumbsup:
A number of years ago a small blue-tit glanced off my car and landed in the road. I stopped and picked it up and thought it was dead. :( I held it in my hands for a few minutes and it slowly 'came to' and after a while it flew away. :) I felt so glad that I had stopped. :) :)
i felt so bad all day saturday,we couldnt go back it was impossible and so i felt terrible.hubs said you cant stop what goes on in nature and i know hes right,theres a daily battle of life and death out there but it affected me cos i wanted to help and couldnt do anything.we went up to the lakes last year and driving back there was a pheasant in the road,hubs thought if he speeded up hed get past before it crossed our paths.but the stupid bird speeded up too so we hit it.we both felt bad all the way home,it just put a damper on the whole day.i see dead foxes and squirrels and cats all the time when were driving around and it always upsets me :( the worst thing i did see was a young german shepherd pup whod been dumped out of a car on the busy east lancs road near us,i went back to try to catch it but shed already been killed. :(
kris said:
i felt so bad all day saturday,we couldnt go back it was impossible and so i felt terrible.hubs said you cant stop what goes on in nature and i know hes right,theres a daily battle of life and death out there but it affected me cos i wanted to help and couldnt do anything.we went up to the lakes last year and driving back there was a pheasant in the road,hubs thought if he speeded up hed get past before it crossed our paths.but the stupid bird speeded up too so we hit it.we both felt bad all the way home,it just put a damper on the whole day.i see dead foxes and squirrels and cats all the time when were driving around and it always upsets me :( the worst thing i did see was a young german shepherd pup whod been dumped out of a car on the busy east lancs road near us,i went back to try to catch it but shed already been killed. :(

Oh god no :(

It is awful i know, i have gone back for injured Badgers, squirrells, pidgeons, cats the lot.

Even a ferret.

You can only do what you can do & at least you have helped even its not a good outcome. :- "

Stop beating yaself up hun, there are some things we just cant change no matter how much we want to :huggles:
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I hate magpies too! I was walking to work one day when I came across 2 magpies eating a pigeon (w00t) they had just about finished off its head :x

As it was right outside my workplace (right outside my window infact) I picked up the body and chucked it in the bin. When I got in to work one of my mates asked if I'd seen the pigeon outside, I told her what I'd seen - apparently it had just flown into the window and had been sat on the floor a bit dazed, thats when the evil magpie scum attacked and commited the murder :angry:

I also saw a magpie getting its comeuppance once, being attacked by some sort of kestrel type bird, its all going on in Bradford :lol:
The other evening there was a right racket going on in the trees at the back of our house. It turned out to be 2 blackbirds & 2 thrushes who were ganging up one a magpie who must have been after raiding one of their nests. They managed to scare it off away from the trees onto our roof. It was really good to see 4 birds of 2 different types all working together to get rid of the maggie :))

We've got blue tits in the nest box on the back wall so really hope they manage to avoid being eaten :luck:
kris said:
ive just googled larsen traps but it says yu use a live magpie to cath other magpies with question being,how do you catch the decoy magpie in the first place :unsure:
My friend has one of these traps on her farm Kris,(a Larsen trap) a trapped magpie is held captive which attracts other magpies down. she hires a man to shoot the birds.... or captures them or releases them somewhere else. But trouble is people complain when the birds are realeased on their land - so sometimes better to shoot and kill them.

the magpies are killed onher farm because they peck the new born lambs eyes out, and I have actually seen them doing this working on a farm and also slaughtering ducklings, chicks and baby birds too.

its sad but part of the circle of life in my opinion.

PS ... my friend used to feed and water the captive magpie too every day.... I said to her how do you sleep at night with it out there..... but there it is...
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My friend has one of these traps on her farm Kris,(a Larsen trap)  a trapped magpie is held captive which attracts other magpies down.  she hires a man to shoot the birds.... or captures them or  releases them somewhere else.  But trouble is people complain when the birds are realeased on their land - so sometimes better to shoot and kill them.
the magpies are killed onher farm because they peck the new born lambs eyes out, and I have actually seen them doing this working on  a farm and also slaughtering ducklings, chicks and baby birds too.

its sad but part of the circle of life in my opinion.

Ooh nooooo, this all gets worse :eek:

I cant bear ANYTHING being killed :(

Glad i dont live on a farm, off to bury my head in the sand & hope all will live compatably with each other :- "
its a dilemma i know,but i feel so sorry for the poor parent birds seeing their brood of chicks eaten by these canniballs!if youd have seen that poor mother bird fighting these much larger magpies off to try to save her baby it was awful. :( i dont like the idea of catching and killing anything,but i dont like the alternative either. :(
According to the wildlife trust, Magpie populations are increasing and it has been felt that there levels was kept low in the past by gamekeepers who felt they was a threat to gamebirds reared for shooting.

Songbirds apparently flourish in areas where magpie numbers are low and I tend to agree with this statement as I've walked through countryside areas in St.Helens where I've seen Larsen traps being used and hedgerows are usually teaming with birdsong.

Mum, I suspect that the farm that used to be behind us (since been bombed down and swanky barn conversion built) probably kept the magpies under control as we've had a noticable decline in birds, not only that but the open fields we free run the dogs on is teaming with maggies, it's also noticably silent of birdsong. :(

I think Dad's right about nature being cruel but it does seem ironic that things were more harmonious when man played a more active role in the balance.
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