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How To Identify If Someone Has Had A Stroke


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A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.


Remember the "3" steps, STR. Read and Learn!

Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster.

The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.

Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:

S * SMILE. Ask the individual to SMILE.

T * TALK. Ask the person to TALK - SAY A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently) (e.g. "It is sunny out today").

R * RAISE. Ask him/her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call 999 immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher!!

NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is

Ask the person to 'stick' out their tongue. If the tongue is 'crooked', that is, if it goes to one side or the other that is also an indication of a stroke.
my mum had a stroke a few years ago while me and her was shopping in morrisons,she had just gone to get herself a loaf while i was getting something else,as i got back to her i asked where was the loaf she wanted and all that came back was gobbledy goo, i kept asking her questions and within a minute her speech returned to normal and i then thought it best getting her home,we got to the checkout and i asked her to pick something up out of her trolley and she grabbed and dropped it then tried again but same thing happened at this stage i knew she was having a stroke,i got her through the checkout and then told the checkout operator that i thought she had had a stroke but the young one just looked at me and said or right :wacko: my only mission was to get her home and ring a doctor so by the time i got her to the car which was another 5 mins she was dragging her left leg.

got her comfy in the car and off we went i had phoned my sister to ring for the doctor before i set off,anyway back home she couldnt swallow and she couldnt use her left side at all,the doctor came pretty quickly which was about 10.30am and rang for a ambulance and said it was urgent,well if i had have known before how long they would take i could have got my sister to come and help me get her to the hospital cause it was 5pm before the ambulance came.

i wish i had just taken her straight to the hospital myself now.

she did fully recover and will be 83 this year :thumbsup:
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thats a very interesting post and im gonna memorise this so that if im ever present when i suspect someone is having a stroke ill know what do.thanks for that Rae,it might help save someone one day :thumbsup:
my mum(grandmother i was brough up by her) also had a stroke one minute she was sitting in her chair knitting next she was unconsiouse and was rushed to hospital she never regained consusness for 5days and when she did she had no use of her entire right side no speach and no use of her right arm or leg or anything on her right side also effected her swallowing and had to go on a mashed diet even her drinks had to have thickening powder put in ,she also could not control her bladder and constantly had fits nearly every day after that untill 5years later when she died of what started out as a chest infection ,althou all she went throu in those 5years after her stroke she still smiled for me every day :huggles: so somtimes ther are no warning signs :(

my heart goes out to everyone who has had to live throu a cituation like this :huggles:
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when my mum had Alzheimers the last few weeks of her life she use to have mini strokes at least once a day not nice to see as i knew each time she was having one the end was getting nearer :(
my husband had a stroke 2 years ago, he was 37!!!!

he had a really bad pain shoot through the back of his head, went very dizzy could hardly walk, managed to call 999, i found him out in the driveway...........he looked and sounded like he was drunk, shouting and swearing (which the doctors said is quite common) the paramedics arrived and thought he had had a bleed in the brain, he was throwing up in the garden and not making much sense at all they got him to the hospital and they did brain scan straight away...........they didnt know what had happened and even thought that he might just have a bad headache :angry:

he couldnt walk,or use one of his arms!!

3 days later they got the "stroke doctor" to do tests and another day later they said that he had definatly had a stroke!!!

he still is only allowed to work 15 hours a week, and still has regular hospital visits (he was there yesterday) he has speech problems, memory loss, tingly arm, has a headache 90% of the time..........he has to go for a brain scan see what is causing the headaches!!

the one thing that helped him was that he is left handed, if he had of been right handed the doctors said it would have been a lot worse!

sorry that was abit of a essay :b
This is great advice - Thank you Rae

I had a kind of stroke a few years back - due to medical intervention, they either proceeded with the treatment or I would have more than likely died from a brain haemorage - so I'm glad they did it, but still have weaknesses and epilepsy - so the more stroke's that are picked up early the better.
meddling said:
This is great advice - Thank you Rae
I had a kind of stroke a few years back - due to medical intervention, they either proceeded with the treatment or I would have more than likely died from a brain haemorage - so I'm glad they did it, but still have weaknesses and epilepsy - so the more stroke's that are picked up early the better.

scary isnt it, my o/h's sister had has a stroke as well :eek: and his mum died at the age of 50 from a clot in the heart, so there has got be a connection there somewhere!!
I have a brother in law who is lying in the hozy at the moment,who ,(as it has#nt realy been comfirmed yet)may have had a stroke on monday evening.He came upon a young lad who was pretty unwell,as he was diabetic,and obviously sommit went wrong somewhere.He was taking the lad home,after getting him sorted,as he too,is diabetic,and sort of new what he was dealing with.Anyway,on the way to leaving the lad home,he developed a severe headake.By the time he got to the lad's house,he could'nt stand the pain,and collapsed.When he came round,he was on his way to hozzy,where he still is.They wer'nt sure if it was bleeding in the brain,a Tumor,or summit else like a stroke,caused by one of these thing's,or summit.They thought about 90percent bleed,10 percent Tumer.Today he had a Lumbar puncture,as they are still trying to find out what exactly is going on,as the brain scan showed up nothing.He has also been stressed out big time lately,as it was his wee grandson,that died at birth a couple of month's back.I am just going to phone my sister now,to see what has come out of the Lumbar puncture.Thing's dont come in 3s no more.More like 23s.Anyway,that is a great bit of imfo,about recognining a stroke victim.Hope i will never need it,but thankyou for it. ...Billy...
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billyboy45 said:
I have a brother in law who is lying in the hozy at the moment,who ,(as it has#nt realy been comfirmed yet)may have had a stroke on monday evening.He came upon a young lad who was pretty unwell,as he was diabetic,and obviously sommit went wrong somewhere.He was taking the lad home,after getting him sorted,as he too,is diabetic,and sort of new what he was dealing with.Anyway,on the way to leaving the lad home,he developed a severe headake.By the time he got to the lad's house,he could'nt stand the pain,and collapsed.When he came round,he was on his way to hozzy,where he still is.They wer'nt sure if it was bleeding in the brain,a Tumor,or summit else like a stroke,caused by one of these thing's,or summit.They thought about 90percent bleed,10 percent Tumer.Today he had a Lumbar puncture,as they are still trying to find out what exactly is going on,as the brain scan showed up nothing.He has also been stressed out big time lately,as it was his wee grandson,that died at birth a couple of month's back.I am just going to phone my sister now,to see what has come out of the Lumbar puncture.Thing's dont come in 3s no more.More like 23s.Anyway,that is a great bit of imfo,about recognining a stroke victim.Hope i will never need it,but thankyou for it.  ...Billy...
Oh Billy that's awful - sending positive thoughts and prayers in his direction - keep strong :huggles: