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How Often Do You Feed Your Dogs.

pat cope

Active Member
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As I have rather a lot of dogs, 13 altogether, I seem to spend most of my time feeding one end

and shovelling up the other end.

They are fed a good quality complete. Lamb rib on a Monday to keep teeth clean.

At the moment I feed twice a day. Racers and pups have cereal yoghurt and honey for breakfast

and complete early afternoon. (Pups get mince beef and tuna for tea)

Retired and rescue get complete divided into two meals.

Was told if I fed once a day I would get less to clean up. (with the exception of racers and pups who need extra)

Just to add, poo is firm and normal, just plenty of it.!!!!!

Would be interested in peoples comments as long as they are constructive. I do my best. !!!!
As I have rather a lot of dogs, 13 altogether, I seem to spend most of my time feeding one endand shovelling up the other end.

They are fed a good quality complete. Lamb rib on a Monday to keep teeth clean.

At the moment I feed twice a day. Racers and pups have cereal yoghurt and honey for breakfast

and complete early afternoon. (Pups get mince beef and tuna for tea)

Retired and rescue get complete divided into two meals.

Was told if I fed once a day I would get less to clean up. (with the exception of racers and pups who need extra)

Just to add, poo is firm and normal, just plenty of it.!!!!!

Would be interested in peoples comments as long as they are constructive. I do my best. !!!!
hi pat once a day every four days
Could leave em to catch their own.!!! Wouldnt be much crap to clear up then Steve. xx
twice a day with dog treats inbetween. breakfast 6.30am for the racers 8am for the indoor dogs, then all get fed about 11.30 to 12 noon then afternoon its treats and b4 bed treats etc. wot yr doing sounds spot on to me pat. :thumbsup: if i feed pasta theres not as much poo lol
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Ours get fed twice a day wheat biscuits and milk in the morning and butchers mince with mixer or fresh veggies in the afternoon. Once a week the get either fish or chicken for their afternoon meal. Puppies get an extra meal at supper time usually cerals. We used to feed our on supermarket tinned food and wagg biscuits but been a lot fitter since changing to butchers mince. Tanzy especially used to have a lot of dihorrea she doesn't get it much since we changed their diet.
sounds like your doing it ok Pat and if ebby is anything to go off your spot on (and the others) as for poo my lot wait till ive just cleaned up (and im always out with the poop scoop) then one will oblige and do another I feed 2 times a day and pup whenever it wants

3 times a day for mine Pat :thumbsup: Agree with Fiona,dont think your doing much wrong :thumbsup:
Twice a day for my lot Pat weetabix with mik and honey in the morning and red mills in the evening,they also get a bone each from the butcher once a week to help keep there teeth clean :thumbsup:
I am the same as Karen and Yvonne,3 times a day,always have,it works for me.xx
ive got six and my back yard is all slabed so its easy to keep clean and all the dogs get fed twice a day plus they get there treats at bed time

3 times a day

feed my pups 6 times a day then drop to 4 times a day