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How Much Crap Can A Person Take


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As some of you know we've had a flood here and that's made life rather difficult.

Then Sunday not only did I throw up all over myself on the way home from Honeyhills due to the cough that I've got but when we got home we found that Woody had scaled a 5'+ fence and escaped. We leave a couple of our dogs at home as they have a dog flap so can let themselves out and they normally have settees and comfy chairs to sleep on. But due to the floods not anymore. They merely have comfy dog beds.

Anyway Woody looked like a goner, to quote Alan. as he was dead lame on his rear left hind as well as his permanently dislocated right front leg (racing injury). One of my neighbours had had a knock on their door and there he was with an irate driver who told them that he'd nearly run over their dog. My neighbours took Woody in and kept him with them until we got home. Woody is fine just a bit stiff btw and I think that he hadn't been playing with cars just hurt himself when he got over the fence.

Now tonight I let out Stig (Spellbinder) into my front garden with my pup to have a last night pee and there was summat else out there and .............. well he's gone. I don't know where but he was in hot pursuit and ................. Basically christ only knows where he's gone and if he's alright. He took down a piece of wire fencing and dragged it several yards and there is no sign of him. Alan's out looking for him but with all the miles of woodland here..................

Logan (Enchanter) and Dusty ran back to me so are okay. I'm guessing that it must have been a fox 'cause it was small (I never saw it at all) not a cat or it would have gone closer to home ie next door. Please keep your fingers crossed that we find Stiggy or that he comes back in his own time.

Alan's just come back and has gone of to get some sleep I'm sitting up and waiting and hoping that he comes home soon.
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oh barb

hope stig is home by now

and your all tucked up in bed fast asleep

love from all here

Thanks Tina. He's just come home. I've never been so happy to hear a little 'let me in' whimper. On first inspection he's got away with just the odd cut on his legs. He's on my bed fast asleep and I'm going off to join him.
We are so pleased Barbara his home and safe hopefully with no injuries, give him lots of hugs from us xx
Oh Barbara, how awful for you all. I can only imagine the state you were in, and the worry and stress this would cause. I am so glad I read on before replying and see that little Stig is home and well. We train them to chase anything, and he wouldn't have known he was being 'naughty'. I am relieved for you that the story had a happy ending. I hope you are all tucked up together in bed getting some much needed sleep :huggles:
Just read your post Barb. (w00t)

Its things like that that make the rest of the time with our dogs worth it . It does scare you s**t less when they run off dosnt it , at least they have the intellegance :wacko: to come back .

One of mine managed to get on top of next doors greenhouse corregated plastic roof with a 15`+ drop the other side after a bl**y fox the other day (w00t) , Good job OH was here to help me fetch her down

Im sure things can only get better for you ,

best wishes Jackie
Oh Barbara Im so glad for you hes now home safe and sound... :thumbsup:

A few weeks ago my hubby lost Archie on a walk just for a while, your heart misses a beat...I dropped everything I was doing

to go and look and thankfully a lad recognised him in our local Churchyard and brought him home.
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(w00t) omg im lad i didnt see this last night!!!

nice to read the hapy ending :thumbsup:

glad your boys are all ok Barbabra...........see you Sunday i hope :thumbsup:
(w00t) omg im lad i didnt see this last night!!!

nice to read the happy ending :thumbsup:

glad your boys are all ok Barbabra...........see you Sunday i hope :thumbsup:
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OMG! Missed this as we've been out all day (took Kaos miles to the vet - he tore a gracilis on Sunday) but how frightening for you. Thank God Stig's back with you but its enough to give you a heart attack!

So glad he's OK. How is Alan? - he must have spent ages looking for him in the dark last night too. Who was back first, him or Stig?

Hope Woody gets better soon too.
Hells teeth Barbara! You have both been through the wars. I am so glad both your boys (and Alan) are safely back home. I once lost Flute for and hour and was scared witless. I cannot imagine how you felt. Just so please you have been reunited.
(w00t) (w00t) (w00t)

Thank goodness the little chap had the good sense to come home, bless him :wub:

I'm so pleased that the stress is over for you, Barbara x
So glad you are all ok sending lots of huggs to you all

Thank goodness he is home safe and sound. SO scary when they go missing, has only ever happened once with Iffy with us and that was a nightmare! Hugs to you all.
Thanks everyone.

We sat down last night and drank the bottle of champers that we won at Honeyhills (raffle). We toasted the survival of Woody, then Stig and lastly Mouse who has won the National Veteran Consolation Leugue.

Although it's been a very stressful week it's also been a very lucky week. The dogs have come back safe and sound.
Oh my poor Barbara, I've only just read your frightening tale. Thank the lord he's back home safe, you and Alan must have nearly gone mad. As you say.. how much can one person take. I do hope SOOO much your trail of bad stuff is coming to an end, and you and your doggy family can soon inhabit a fit to live in environment and all the dogs stop doing a runner and settle down again safe and sound! Thinking of you.. lots of love and hugs from me and the darklings.,
:thumbsup: Thank goodness a happy ending.Was up through the night when your dog did a runner and was keeping an eye out for news of his return.This is a great site I suffer from insomnia and browsing the threads keeps me occupied but that night I was worried for you :sweating:
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