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How Many Do You Free Run Together.


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I can run any combination of my girls in two's with no problem

at all but as soon as i add the third they get a bit manic. I have

to then muzzle K as she will get so excited she grabs the others

by their back legs and drags them down. So she has to wear it

to prevent her hurting them as she has left puncture wounds.

Now i have Tala i think they will be free running in two's. That

way it should stay calmer and i shouldn't have to muzzle K.


I love to see them all running together, i just wish i could get

them to calm down. I suppose im wanting the impossible,

how do you get on with yours?
its funny you just posted this ann as we have just returned from the horses we took 4 with us and blue pissed off litle shit, now adding some pics and as you can see there are only 3, bad boy locked in a stable lol xxx
I let my lot off all together Annie...but only where I know its quiet..wont take them all to the beach together thou :wacko: and as for expecting them to calm never happens with my lot!!!
I run my lot in pairs,ask they also get too excited :lol: :lol:
Run my lot altogether to (whippets and lurcher that is )iggys get walked seperatly for oviouse reasons :D
im finding it harder to have them all walking on the lead than free running,

free running they all stay pretty close and when the do mad dash about the never seem to get past the excited point, where it may get unruly.

im not sure how much it will change as smokey gets bigger and faster but for now its all good.

just lead walking is a nightmare, i sware i spend half my time untagling myself from them lol :sweating:
we have mostly always run all ours together but obviously having a beagle means he can't always be trusted not to bugger off. Since James is so young and not very road aware, we only let him free run at our secret field...but when we had five dogs they could all run loose together with everyone staying reasonably together...but Woody in his younger days used to nip Badger, so Woody was muzzled when free to save on injuries!!
im finding it harder to have them all walking on the lead than free running,
free running they all stay pretty close and when the do mad dash about the never seem to get past the excited point, where it may get unruly.

im not sure how much it will change as smokey gets bigger and faster but for now its all good.

just lead walking is a nightmare, i sware i spend half my time untagling myself from them lol :sweating:
Have you tried a coupler for the girls
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i can free run my 6 together but mums 4 i can do in pairs as they get abit out of hand ;)
i can run all my boys off lead together and they are ok its the girls that lead the boys astray and usually bugger off in hunting mode, millie is the worst and will run off staright away so got to be choosy where we let her off and shes usually off by herself .
I run my 3 together but if Lucy or Fin get a bit rough back on the lead they go for a bit, they seem to be getting the message. Kiah baby just trots along in her own sweet way, without bothering anybody so she gets priority treatment :D :D and sometimes a walk all on her own without the hooligans so she can have a nice peaceful walk :)
im finding it harder to have them all walking on the lead than free running,
free running they all stay pretty close and when the do mad dash about the never seem to get past the excited point, where it may get unruly.

im not sure how much it will change as smokey gets bigger and faster but for now its all good.

just lead walking is a nightmare, i sware i spend half my time untagling myself from them lol :sweating:
Have you tried a coupler for the girls

yes i made them one, but it doesnt help its not them thats the problem, its the monster who thinks he can run in and out all our legs the girls included lol.

i think lots of lead training on his own is the only answer :b
I run my 3 together but if Lucy or Fin get a bit rough back on the lead they go for a bit, they seem to be getting the message. Kiah baby just trots along in her own sweet way, without bothering anybody so she gets priority treatment :D :D and sometimes a walk all on her own without the hooligans so she can have a nice peaceful walk :)
I often take one of them out on a single run.

Its nice to have a little one to one time :)
One (+ 2 GSDs) was a doddle :D

Two was company :)

Three was ok :-

Four and five were achievable ;)

Six started to cause confusion :wacko:

......... and I've never tried 7!!!!! (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)

All 11 run together at home in my fields but if they are out I face the problem of Irie, Ella or Poacher buzzing off and taking the others with them (apart from Jinny, that is :wub: :wub: ) so I take them out in pairs or threesomes now and I NEVER let Irie off the lead as he disappears and then can't find his way back :sweating: :blink:

amber alone, or around strange dogs, no trouble.

dante alone, no trouble UNLESS there happens to be a carrier bag nearby, doesnt like 'rude' dogs, but behaves

purdey never off lead when any other dogs around, she wont behave since she was attacked at 8mths old

amber plus dante, bags aside, fine

amber plus purdey, no way in hell, not EVER

dante plus purdey, fine until other dogs nearby, then she gets leashed pronto

and never would i attempt all three.

when i used to dog walk when i was young, the only two dogs i couldnt put together were my gsd and another gsd, they got on brilliantly, knew each other from pups, but simply were too boisterous combined for me to handle as they grew. nearly got run over when they decided to wrestle each other halfway across a main road, tangled me up in their leads and pulled me over.

has anyone else noticed how many rude dogs there are the last few years?? really winds me up, and daft owners laughing it off with 'oh they wont bite/theyre only playing/awwwww theyre being friendly' etc etc etc
I've just Diesel and Rebus. They love running together. Beau has retired himself. He says he has earned the rest now that he is almost ten.
Between 5 & 6 if I'm on my own. 10+ if I'm with Tony or Vicky. It's flat open land we take them over so we can generally see what's coming and they tend to mill about around us. Quite often I'll bump into Vicky walking her lot and both our groups of dogs will greet each other quite happily. From an early age the pups are discouraged from grabbing each other whilst running mainly because they can get ideas about tackling when they're racing and we try to encourage them to run in the same direction together rather than all over the place.

Pik of (I think) 8 of them at the beach :lol:

A very interesting topic,as i am having a problem with Daisy and Cracker.I have tried letting them off on there own,but neither wants to have a run without the other.Cracker pushes Daisy,and has already been caught by her,by accident,in over excited play.I never have any bother with Daisy and the other two,they run around together,without muzzles.I do now muzzle Cracker and Daisy when they are off together.I have two youngters(which was,nt planned)as we was told Daisy was two when we had her,she is not two until January,Its interesting to see what other people do,so thanks for starting this.

I used to run the 3 young ones together Amber,Simba and Holly when they were younger I would also run Archie. Now they are a little older and the boys have discovered what bitches are I tend to run them in pairs. The older ones I can run 4 together but Tegan and Bandit are run on their own never with the others as they tend to be a bit dominant.
I do a bit of a mix and match 2s 3s sometimes 4 . The 2 big boys are ok on the beach ,but in the forest I have to seperate them as they P... off on the hunt . Have split the pups and run them with Sky or Amy and wont get barged . LOL but their doing most of the barging now .