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How Long To Walk Puppy??


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I just wondered how long you would all advise walking a whippet pup each day ?? I have been restricting my little lady to 20 minutes on the lead as I dont want to over do it. She does obviously get plenty of free running in the paddocks here as well but it would be great to be able to get her out walking with me a bit more, she is 4 months old.
When i got my last whippet pup the KC was recommending for any dog 5 mins per month of age twice per day. At 4 months of age that would be 20 minutes twice a day.
Sounds about right to me. Walking in public areas on the lead will get her used to meeting other dogs and generally learning to be sociable with other dogs. Road walking for at least part of this time will help build up her muscles and stamina. if she is free running at home in your paddock as well, your excersize routine is probably about right. I would probably build up to 40 mins a day by 6 months split into 2 x 20 mins.