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How Long After Season


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Tascha had her first proper season at the end of August, lasted for 4 weeks, so she was well clear of it by the end of September.

The thing is, all the male dogs that we come across at the park pay lots of attention to her, and keep trying to mount her.

Is there a problem do you think? Do I need to take her to the vets? Mysti still hasn't had her first season, and she's nearly a year old. Any advice greatly appreciated.
Maybe it's just because she's so beautiful :wub: :wub: sorry andrea no advice really I'd have thought she would be well out by now though, I'd still be careful though (w00t)
Lesley, there's no more blood, and definitely no more swelling, as she came up like a massive donught on her back end lol. I am being careful, just wondering why they keep pestering her.

First of all dont worry about Misti not coming into season :) , there is no fixed rule about how old they have to be .some can be 2 years old before the first season :eek:

As for Tascha , Id give her a bath and add some lemon juice to the final rince . She probably still `smells ` as if she is in season. , and of course she is SO pretty . :wub: and dont gaurantee on her being every 6 months , there again there is no fixed rule about the time between each season , but once they get into a regular cycle you will know when they will be due . Ive got Buffee and Fleur who have come intogether , which is very handy ;) , Buffee is every 6 months like clockwork , but Fleur goes 8 months :wacko:

Hope that helps :huggles:
I agree with what Jax has said (that makes a change :blink: :D )

Try putting some lavender oil on the top of her tail before you go out,it will help to deaden her scent :thumbsup:
alfyn said:
I agree with what Jax has said (that makes a change :blink:   :D )Try putting some lavender oil on the top of her tail before you go out,it will help to deaden her scent :thumbsup:

The scent of lavendar oil would deaden anything (w00t) when I used it for callie I couldn't get the smell to go away :lol:
It was the same for Josie - she was very attractive to all the boys for weeks afterwards! I bathed her a couple of times and eventually the attention stopped, but it did take a while. I'd forgotten that actually - it's funny how things seem such a big deal at the time and then they just fade away and you forget all about them :blink:
alfyn said:
I agree with what Jax has said (that makes a change :blink:   :D )Try putting some lavender oil on the top of her tail before you go out,it will help to deaden her scent :thumbsup:

It works with the OH too (w00t) :oops: :lol: ( he really HATES the smell of lavender :- " )
Jax, that's very handy to know about it working for the OH LOL
We have a female neuter here and all the boys just love to try it on her :blink:

she is 10 now and has been speyed for years :thumbsup: so work that one out (w00t) Also I find that most of mine come on together,don't know if it works like a mare or not but the mares come on together if kept together,something to do with scent I think :teehee:

Also agree with the lavender,works a treat :thumbsup:
Hi Andrea, are the dogs mithering Mysti as well, if so it could be that she"s breaking down, so the smell could be on both of them.