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how do i stop my dog from crossing into other dogs


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can anyone tell me how i can stop my dog from crossing and running into the other dogs ?

she is just over 11 months old and is still trialing .

i also have another dog , a lurcher and when they play together they always run into each other and fight ...could this be a factor ?
Hi Stark

i'd have that down as a major factor, the best thing to do would be to start taking them out seperatly and never let them play, that should do the trick.
yes i could do that and im sure that would work , but when i got the whippet it was never to race , that was an afterthought , then i got the lurcher as a companian for the whippet , i wouldent want to split them up at this stage , so im hoping she will grow out of it in time

but if not it will be the racing that has to give !.

if that happends i will get another whippet just for racing .
sorry to here about your truble with your club , the heart of england would be very happy to have you ...also anyone else that would like to come along .
Our dogs are always exercised off lead from a young age( thats 5 at a time) with each other and we don`t have any problems with fighters. As puppies they are usually boisterous and want to play but I think that is only to be expected from puppies and I believe it helps them mature as adults and also helps them learn the consequences of running into each other ( and wire etc) while they are slow and injury is less likely. They get used to the fact that they will be off lead and so tend not to go crazy when off lead unlike some dogs who are leashed all the time and take any off lead time to take the chance to go mad. The puppies settle down as they mature into adults.

I believe that alot of track fighting is due to incorrect entering into racing; the worst mistake in my mind is bringing a puppy on to quickly into running with other dogs. A puppy takes the chance to play, especially I feel if its denied the chance to play elsewhere. Puppies also need time to get used to chasing the lure and learning thats the point of the day. I also feel puppies are entered into races against to stiff oposistion which can frustrate them - we always make sure that our dogs first few runs are against dogs they can`t lose against.

I know others do things different and get dogs entered into racing early succesfully but early entering can ruin a dog if done incorrectly.

I`d suggest some patience until your puppy matures, allowing it to learn to chase the lure first and then races against a single opponent that it can easily beat to teach it to win.
Hi Stark

Thanks for the comments, the problem at the club was never one that meant I would not run there again but I felt it was time I speant more time on my own dogs rather than running round after everyone else!

i'm hoping to call in at the HOE for a few Saturdays in the not to distant future as were going to be camping not far away so we'll catch up then.

see you soon and tell Ann to get the kettle on. :p
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