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How Bloody Stuped


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the uk Id cards are avalabel in the northwest so I thought ok as i dont drive or have a pass port it could be handly for me to have to prove who i am as i have very little actul ID and no picture ID. I just looked on line to see how to get It cost £30 and last 10 years like a passport ok still cheper I thought.

criterea for getting a card

1. must live in north west ( thats ok I do )

2. must be over 16 ( definatly fit that bill )

3. must have a valied passport ( WHAT ) why would i get an id card if i had a bloody passport allready the bloody muppets who thought that one up so to gte an id card i have to get a passport pay for that then pay for the id card which last the ame length of time what ideot thought this one up arrrrrrrrrrrrrr