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House Training My Lurcher


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hey there im a new one to this we have a 7 month old lurcher pup named stella she is very good with both my children who are aged 9 and 11yrs old but the problem is she uses my home as a public toilet and im finding it hard getting her togo out side,could anyone out there give me some tips or some help with this matter id be very grateful for all ur help.
I'm training my pup as well and it can be :rant: :rant: :rant:

I find that if you put them out straight after every meal, when they look like they might want to go i.e. lots of sniffing and circling and inbetween that put them out every hour (when possible!!) helps.

When they do it in the right place give lot and lots of praise.

Hope this helps
juliet said:
hey there im a new one to this we have a 7 month old lurcher pup named stella she is very good with both my children who are aged 9 and 11yrs old but the problem is she uses my home as a public toilet and im finding it hard getting her togo out side,could anyone out there give me some tips or some help with this matter id be very grateful for all ur help.
As said before, straight after meals and a soon as you wake up. Take her directly to the the same place. Controling my dogs water supply also helped i.e. just a drop before bed time, and don't leave food down for more than 45 minutes.

Apparently 1month = 1 hour of bladder control.

Good luck!!
Hi, Welcome to K9.

Have you considered an indoor kennel/ crate for your pup? Both my pups have been housetrained within 2 weeks using one. Brilliant!! I would recommend using a crate every time with a pup.

Have you any pics, we like to see pics of puppies.

My Zephyr 10 months seemed to take naturally to going outside (altho I took him out regularly & whistled to help him pee & told him he was a very good boy etc).

However Lupin who is now 20 months seems to think she's human and should use the bathroom (floor) :b unless she's out on a walk of course when she pees & poos like a good un. She hates going out in the garden if it's at all cold & if it's raining you can forget it! A walk is a different matter but she does have a nice waterproof and lined coat she wears when it's cold/wet.

I think the girlies are harder to train than the boys. The crate is a good idea or take her out on the lead every hour so she thinks she's going for a walk and then she should perform. After awhile she may just go out on her own.

Good luck!

our pup is just over 6mths old & did really well house training but then seemed to stop!! :oops: V V fustrating but we took advice & used a crate - never looked back - he loves it & (touch wood) has bee accident free for 4 weeks. Wish we'd done it earlier.

Some top advice there but once the dog gets used to going in the house it can be a hard habbit to break plenty of disinfectant in the area should put it off. i always find if you never give em the oppertunity to finish thier toilet indoors they soon get the idea never used a crate but could see that working.its hard but try to not leave the dog on its own until this problem is sorted best of luck and hope you succeed.
we use biological wash powder (mixed into water) to clean up with - the enzymes in it break down the smell that dog noses can detect even if we can't!

When the floor's dry, wipe over with surgical spirits - paricularly if they have found themselves a favourite spot - they hate the smell a lot

both tips come from our vets - who spend a lot of time clearing up wee of various provenance