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Ballywalter Game & Country Living Fair, Sunday 2nd May 2010 from 10.00 to 6.00 pm

The team from the very succesful Great Game Fairs of Ireland(Organisers of the Game Fair at Shanes Castle and the Irish Game & Country Fair at Birr Castle have decided to organise this exciting new event to REPLACE the cancelled BASC FAIR previously held on this date at Ballywalter. There is a completely new layout and wide range of attractions including new terrier & lurcher events. BASC will be supporting the new event by organising the Clay Shooting & Coaching and staging a Shooting Village full of attractions including a large display of guns.

from Albert Titterington
Literally hot of the presses:

Ballywalter Game & Country Living Fair, Sunday 2nd May 2010 from 10.00 to 6.00 pm

The team from the very succesful Great Game Fairs of Ireland(Organisers of the Game Fair at Shanes Castle and the Irish Game & Country Fair at Birr Castle have decided to organise this exciting new event to REPLACE the cancelled BASC FAIR previously held on this date at Ballywalter. There is a completely new layout and wide range of attractions including new terrier & lurcher events. BASC will be supporting the new event by organising the Clay Shooting & Coaching and staging a Shooting Village full of attractions including a large display of guns.

from Albert Titterington

happy days :thumbsup: