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Horden Wrc


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Just trying the camera on my phone & was over the moon just to get dogs in the frame lol
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thems excellent linda and just with a phone camera :thumbsup:
They're fantastic for a phone camera :)

My phone camera is useless :(
Very good how did ya get them on ere did ya hav 2 use pc n photo bucket of wud it let ya upload them straight on k9??
Very good how did ya get them on ere did ya hav 2 use pc n photo bucket of wud it let ya upload them straight on k9??
Used the Usb cable & they went on to windows, then I resized them & uploaded them onto K9. Its a doddle putting them on Facebook :thumbsup:
great especialy from a phone m8 lookin forward to the opens at horden this year top class track :thumbsup:
Great pictures Lenny, what phone have you got :))
Its a Wave 2 Shelley, found a couple more :thumbsup: Alans pup & Gavins Alfie
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They great Linda. glad to see yr gav's pup coming on. I got new phone carnt even work out how to answer it half the. time never mind take pics. Hopefully see you soon.
thanks for the phone linda its nice to see alans pup he seems to be coming along nicely