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"horace" - One Week Old Today!


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Took these 3 videos this morning when I turned Rookie and Horace/Skippy/???? out into the field ............. he's got quite a repetoire of moves already (w00t)

Watch out all you Lippizaners out there - here comes Horace :lol: :lol: :lol:

And saved the best til last .................. :thumbsup:

awwwwwwwww :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

u'd best hope he doesn't act like that when u break him in :- "
(w00t) He is gorgeous!! :wub: :wub: I love his breakdancing moves :lol: :lol:
Ah, what a sweetheart, a complete loon leaping and pronking about, he's lovely. :teehee:
aaawww he is gorgeous. jane.

having so much fun, bless him, i love the foalie stage, mine used to jump the water buckets and do a huge buck afterwards,

you must be so proud,xxx

awww bless him :wub: :wub: :wub: looks like he is really enjoying himself :huggles:
aww hes the name..what will you do with him when hes older..looks like hes going to be a hand full

my friends colt still has no name and hes almost 2wks old....
haycroft said:
aww hes the name..what will you do with him when hes older..looks like hes going to be a hand full my friends colt still has no name and hes almost 2wks old....

He will point to point (with any luck!) but I shall also do other stuff with him - fun rides, bit of flat work etc :thumbsup:

Any offers for breaking in?? I'm sure he won't buck toooooo much :- " :p
Awwwww bless his little cotton socks! He's so beautiful and funny - what a time waster! :wub:
He is a real beauty. :wub: :wub: :wub: It always amazes me how some new born animals are so agile at such a young age. :) :)
he is fantastic i could watch him playing allday :wub:

you must be so pleased with him :thumbsup:
Aww Jane he's beautiful and so funny to watch :thumbsup:
O wow, he's stunning :wub: . Love the moves too :huggles:
Isn't Horace fantastic :wub: - lovely to watch his joie de vivre! :p Smashing colt. :thumbsup:
Ohhh Horace is lovely but I think he's more of a SKIPPY really :- " I could watch him all day :wub: