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Honeyhills Open


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Hi, just to remind everyone that the Honeyhills Open on the 10th October 2010's closing date is the 24th September. The entry form is on the Honeyhills website, sorry if it is a bit crooked we weren't drunk when we did it just our first time :wacko:
Just one more week to get your entries in :thumbsup: Myself and Daphne will be doing the draw next Friday :D
Hi just to remind you that the closing date for the Honeyhills Open is the 24th September, come on all you bend racers there has not been many bend opens this year don't miss this one, the tracks in great condition. Also Honey hills will be running a club meeting this coming Sunday for all those people not going to a champs, (bends and straights).
We are looking forward to your open at Honeyhills. Just need to download a form and send it off. I'll make a special effort to do it tomorrow - you always get the stragglers don't you :>
Thanks for the reminder, will be sending ours off tommorow too :- )
Hi, just to remind everyone that the Honeyhills Open on the 10th October 2010's closing date is the 24th September. The entry form is on the Honeyhills website, sorry if it is a bit crooked we weren't drunk when we did it just our first time :wacko:
Have you got a link to it. I need to send it off quick!
I reckon its a first in at least a year - I actually managed to post my entry form! (& not rely on kind folks taking my entry over the phone for a change! LoL)
I am pleased to say that we have an entry of 96 dogs for the Honeyhills Open :thumbsup:
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