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Honeyhills disaster


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Honeyhills whippet club has been destroyed and the equipment stolen. Track rails ruined possibly the end of another club,
Dave.....This is an awful development.

You have put so much time, effort, and skill into reviving this club ; the reported theft and vandalism must feel like a personal attack. Ilid and I can do no more at this stage other than to express our regrets...just words really.

On a more practical note I suppose we should all be on the look out for any fresh and emerging racing venue - this would probably signal the whereabouts of our gear ! I say 'our', because as members of Honeyhill, we still have a stake in the club , and in this connection if Honeyhills is to fold or be re named - our stake would include a share of the not inconsiderable funds currently held by the Treasurer.

Let us hope that the pedigree whippet racing community, will take note of what has happened here.

This might sound an odd thing to say, but for us theft is not as injurious, as the vandalism - equipment after all can be replaced . What cannot be restored is respect for those responsible for what can only be termed hate crime. I hope that we never learn that the perpetrators are known to us, or anyone else within the sport.

Mike h
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