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Home Wanted!!!

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Hi everyone, a couple of years ago we were given a lovely little white bitch, which is Terrier cross (or more like a heinz 57). A girl who worked with my mum at the time really liked her and she asked if she could have her and give her a forever home. So we said yes. Myself and my partner visited the dogs home last week and guess who was there. Maggie!!! We instantly knew it was her and went to speak to the warden. We told them what we had done and they said that she had been brought into the dogs home as a stray. I cant understand why she was let out as she is deaf and has no road sense. She is a gorgeous little girl who is very affectionate and loving, she gets on well with other dogs and loves kids. Her deafness has no affect on her apart from the obvious. We took her home with us as I couldnt bear to think of her in the kennels so unloved. The dogs home also said it would be hard to home her as she was deaf. If anybody can help in re-homing her please contact me. This must be a permanent home!!!!!


I will try to put some pictures of her on.
thats so very sad !! i hope she finds her forever home very soon :huggles:
How sad for her to be homeless again. You must feel really let down by the person you gave her to :(

If you have a picture and some details of whereabouts she is and what sort of home would be best for her (ie, is she OK with kids, cats, other dogs etc) I can cross-post her onto a couple of other boards if that would help.

Good luck finding her a home :luck:
HOPE SHE FINDS A LOVELY HOME SOON.LADY P :wub: :wub: :huggles: :huggles: :luck: GOOD LUCK.
I'm sorry for asking a really obvious question but as she was brought into the dogs home as a stray is there just a chance that her previous owner has genuinly lost her. It sounds as though she isn't microchipped so maybe the lady you gave her to is looking for her. Are you still in touch with her?

Just a thought :))

I hope she finds a nice home if her owner doesn't turn up.
Hi Parksie......just reading this - well done you for taking her home with you..... :thumbsup: it`s a bit confusing to us newbies - I`m inclined to go with J.T. on this one ...if you know who you gave her to, has anyone checked with those people as you know who they are if they have lost her.... there is probably a history here that I know nothing about as I`m quite new to K9 and know how it feels to have questions asked without full facts...when you were given her could you not keep her in the first place that you gave her to a colleague of your mum`s...and when you were visiting the home, was it looking for a dog for you and if so is there a problem with her that prevents her from staying with you...I only ask `cos my friend might be looking for a terrier type and she has youngsters - is she good with children/cats.../how old is she etc. it all helps if we`re asking around trying to get this girl a home.....Thanks and good luck :luck: :luck:

my mum has spoke to the girl who had her and she says that she had given her to her uncle as he was in all day. So she knows that we have got her again and they haven't asked for her back. The reason we were looking for a home for her in the first place was because I have got a jack russell and he just didnt get on with her at all and he had started to pick on her. We went to look at the dogs home because we were just being nosey really, we werent looking for a dog. Also my sister in law has been looking for a dog and she asked us to have a look while we were out that way getting dog food. The reason I cant keep her is that I still have my Jack Russell and she really needs a home where she can have more attention. She is a lovely friendly dog with all animals and people, she is not nasty at all and loves children. I want to find her a loving home that she really deserves, where people will love her a fuss her. She doesnt chew things or poop in the house. The only thing about her that is bad is that she is white and when she moults like now, she gets it everywhere.
Here are some pictures of her when she was a pup, but she looks the same now just a little bit chunkier and slightly taller. My camera is not working at the moment so I cant take any of her now just yet. But this will give you an idea.

Maggie or waggles (she is always wagging her tail)

Got another photo.


I forgot to mention that she likes to climb. I think she thinks she is a mountain goat.

She isnt bow legged its just how she is standing.
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parksie said:
Here are some pictures of her when she was a pup, but she looks the same now just a little bit chunkier and slightly taller. My camera is not working at the moment so I cant take any of her now just yet. But this will give you an idea.
Maggie or waggles (she is always wagging her tail)


wow,what a beauty..................if only i could :(
Aww, dear of her :wub: :huggles:

I hope she finds her real forever sofa very soon :thumbsup:
Oh, she's lovely - good luck in finding her a permanent home :luck: :luck: :luck:


perhaps people are waiting till after the new year for a new dog

Good luck

and well done for taking her back home :cheers:

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