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Holland And Barrett


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I've been told on a few occasions by various people that Holland and Barrett goods are not the best :(

I know they are frequently having sales and this is when we generally stock up with Vitamins, Glucosamine etc etc

Currently they are having a 75% sale- but if the goods are not up to much :blink: maybe we are wasting our money???

Has anyone heard the same before....?

In their defense-surely there are regulations/standards for what they sell, and they do have many branches/been around a long time.

Is it just the smaller business's that are giving them a bad name-do you think?

I've just stocked up with Glucosamine, Aloe Vera and vit E from them as usual :) .......My lot seem to be OK on their products, though I do feel their essential oils aren't the best :b ......but this is just my opinion ;)
Used to buy protien powder and creatine from there but its crap, very basic and i shopped elsewhere after that
Bedlam said:
Used to buy protien powder and creatine from there but its crap, very basic and i shopped elsewhere after that


Were the products levels/strengths as advertised on the packet though? or were you just not happy with the results/desired effect?


500mg of Glucosamine from H&B should be equal in quality to 500mg Glucosamine from anywhere else? no?

Customers who buy via mail/smaller shops etc. owned by 'dedicated vegetarians in flip flops' Lol are saying this is not the case and H&B products are poor.
The only thing I don't like about H&B is that you don't get the level of service that you get in the smaller health food shops. When you go into the smaller ones you are usually talking to someone qualified or at least know the products extremely well and can offer good advice. In H&B the staff don't really know their stuff at all. As for quality of goods, I don't know.
I am afraid that with natural products the product is only as good as the ingredients and I really don't believe that H&B use the best quality ingredients. They are certainly not to the herbal pharmacopeia standards (which medicines should be)

I have lost count of the number of people that I recommend a high quality Evening Primrose Oil to and they say they already use one (H&B, supermarkets own brand) and it doesn't work - then I convince them to use a high specification one and amazingly enough it does the job!!

There is absolutely no legislation on regulating the quality of ingredients in herbal supplements - however they are highly regulated in herbal medicines. H&B sell supplements. The new legislation regarding 'traditional herbal medicines' will help install quality and safety into the products available - but funnily enough H&B are I wonder why!

Herbal supplements can literally contain herbs (hopefully the right ones) picked from the side of the motorway (potentially contaminated) have the beneficial parts extracted and sold on and then they use the leaves into a nice herbal mix and flog it out after packaging it in their garden shed!! (w00t) (w00t) Believe me it happens..... :- "
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I always "stock-up" on glucosamine 1000mg because it is very expensive elsewhere. Not sure of what standard H & B stuff is though? Same as supermarket multi vits? Are the more expensive brands not ripping us off? That's another way to look at it.
Extracted vitamins and 'nutraceuticals' that is extracted parts of natural products are a little different as they are synthetic. However you have to ask yourself what the source is? Especially in these animal extracted products (gluocsamine, chondritan etc) Ethically there are questions here.

But for whole natural products eg evening primrose oil, cod liver, any herbs - quality is paramount. Think of olive oil you can buy the first virgin cold pressed oil or you can buy the dregs left after the 8th or so pressing with not much nutrients left...same in evening primrose!!

As I said if you look on most herbals very very few will be medicinal standard herbs (that is to British herbal pharmacopeia or european pharmaocopeia standards).

Lots say they are to GMP (good manufacturing Practice) on their lables to try and gather some respect but they don't get checked or inspected for this unless they are a medicines unit which none are unless they have medicines in their range - and there are only really 2 companies selling herbal medicines for veterinary use :D
I bought some eccinacea tablets from a small shop and they were quite expensive but the owner told me that herbal remedies are like wine - you pay for the best crop or the leaf of the plant instead of just the root and also the quantity of the herb in the tablet and how much is just 'filler'. Never tried any cheaper ones to compare though but they certainly seem to do the trick if I feel a cold coming on.