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Holiday Dates


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For those of us that have to book holidays well in advance does anyone know the provisional dates for this summers

Scotland events and also for Devon/Derby. Ive got to get the weeks booked with work

Thank you :thumbsup:
you and me both. i want to go to devon this year, that is if elise lets me :unsure:

judith ;)
do none of u get whippet news? its in there only @ the mo i cant find mine lol i too have to get my hols is asap :thumbsup:
does anybody no if you can camp on the field this year down devon :thumbsup:
The Scottish Champ will be 23rd of July and the Derby will be 30 & 31st of July

Hope this helps

Sorry for the delay in replying Marie, I'm not on k9 as regular as others.

The Devon dates are; 11th/12th June for the English Derby, June 15th White Hart, and Satuday 19th BWRA IBM/Grasscutter.

As far as camping on the field, I don't think so until a relief road is placed as an escape route in case of flash flooding (health and safety)....looking forward to seeing everyone there, we're hoping for a bumper turnout!!

The Scottish Dates are later 23rd July Scottish Champs, 24th July George Haggaet, and 30/31st July Scottish Derby.

Hope this is of some help.