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Hobbies Other Than Whippets


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very very bored tonight so ventured into the chit chat page and found a great topic i thought u might like on here. wot hobbies do u have apart form your whippets? wot things do u like? wot r your interests?

apart from walking/feeding/rubbing down, training and racing the dogs, i also like taking photos of them wud love to b as good as jaqs and vicky and kenny but doubt il ever ger anywhere near that. ive also just bought myself a new camcorder, yup so i can now tape the dog racing. i love writing which u have prob guessed from my whippet news reports lol but other than doggy things i do have a social life i go out with friends about once a month. im also a telly addict love reality tv and im devastated big brother has ended. im also a soap addict and watch most of them. and i like to delve into the meaning of dreams and tarot card and all things mystical. so wot about the rest of u? oh and i work part time.
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dont do as much as i did once the dogs are sorted but still sew, machine knit do a little indian beed loom work and the caravans a new hobby and seeing how much bling a little van can take lol. do a lot of mooching about on line when i cant do anything else
Don't have many hobbies now!! (w00t)

I used to show dogs till I was about 18 and when my old manchester terrier died I didn't have another dog for about ten years. In that time I did all kinds, cooking, gardening, decorating, kept fish, embroidered (don't you dare laugh Harper!!), reading, watched soaps and was a proper little housewife.

Then I got a whippet..... went racing with Vicky... came home to my OH watching some mundane programme about french polishing and thought, feck this!! (w00t)

Rest is history but I'm happy which is all that matters! (even if the garden's like a jungle and I've got about 30 books I've still not got round to reading) :teehee:

Oh I take photos but seeing as though most of them are of whippets, I'd presume that doesn't count!!! :lol:
i like my veggie garden :thumbsup: takes my mind ;) ;) off other things ;) if you know what i mean ;) ;)
Don't have many hobbies now!! (w00t) I used to show dogs till I was about 18 and when my old manchester terrier died I didn't have another dog for about ten years. In that time I did all kinds, cooking, gardening, decorating, kept fish, embroidered (don't you dare laugh Harper!!), reading, watched soaps and was a proper little housewife.

Then I got a whippet..... went racing with Vicky... came home to my OH watching some mundane programme about french polishing and thought, feck this!! (w00t)

Rest is history but I'm happy which is all that matters! (even if the garden's like a jungle and I've got about 30 books I've still not got round to reading) :teehee:

Oh I take photos but seeing as though most of them are of whippets, I'd presume that doesn't count!!! :lol:

what's wrong with french polishing ? :lol: :lol: :lol: :D
I'd sooner be messing about with vegetables then french polishing John! (w00t)

Err can this convo steep any lower?!! :teehee:
work and whippets,going to see my mother :sweating: not a lot of time for out else.but still like motorcycling had one for years but sold it as it only did 120 mile in a year. in the process of buying one when it comes for sale.dont know when i would be able to ride it :wacko: boys toys luv them but they dont like my knees (w00t) take the missis for the odd meal or 2,creep or what ;)

nowt like a good rub john (w00t) :rant: :wub: :lol:
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interesting answers kep them coming :thumbsup:
my hobby 's are my dogs and racing don't have much time for out else but enjoy what I do , work full time :sweating: run my own business so have to put the hours in to account for the lonnnnggg weekends away racing which usually run from Wed to Wed ( ermm there is a weekend in there) :teehee:
Embroidery (w00t) :lol:

Apart from work, acting referee to Robyn & Ruby and attempting to quieten a parrot with torrets its pretty much dogs, dogs, dogs in this house. Love gardening but its all in vain as the hounds are partial to anything that remotely looks like it could flower.
I dont race anymore so occassionally come up to watch the big opens with The Wilson's which i love doing still, Tig still keeps me on my toes as well which is great, and now we kinda have Milo I love taking them out on nice scenic walks or down to the beach, and love taking pics of them.

I keep tropical fish with my dad and he breeds them, random hobby i know :blink: I love photography, I play lots of golf very proud of myself for getting onto the Hampshire County Elite squad for this year, and I also play netball in a local league. Used to sing loads but think i leave that for when i am in the shower these days (w00t) - Love going to music festivals when i can afford it too.

Oh yeah and as a geek I make cards and scrapbooks of my adventures through the year.
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my vegetable garden in full bloom :lol:

Embroidery (w00t) :lol:
Apart from work, acting referee to Robyn & Ruby and attempting to quieten a parrot with torrets its pretty much dogs, dogs, dogs in this house. Love gardening but its all in vain as the hounds are partial to anything that remotely looks like it could flower.
(w00t) :eek: I'm so glad someone else has a mad parrot! Apart from driving me round the bend, she also likes to tell the "girls" off, using their names, tells them to go outside, get to bed, lie down etc.,

No wonder they're hyper! When I'm not too close to a total nervous breakdown and I've finished any paperwork relating to the Old Hall, I'm either doing sewing repairs for whoever and I knit.

At the moment I have about 5 or 6 sets of racing collars to do for our newer members. Oh! and I very often have a puppy come to the house for doggy-daycare for 2 or 3 days a week!

Who said all Whippet racers are mad? :wub:
play the guitar, play computer games, whippets, every now and then tinker with computers now i have a list of things to do for winter with the caravan

im really enjoying this topic, i c some have playing the guitar, id love to be able to do that had 4 or 5 lessons a few years ago but was too hard and my tutor left lol mind id also love to b able to surf but thats NEVER going to happen lol looks a great veggy garden john u shud sell ya veg to us lot lol
im really enjoying this topic, i c some have playing the guitar, id love to be able to do that had 4 or 5 lessons a few years ago but was too hard and my tutor left lol mind id also love to b able to surf but thats NEVER going to happen lol looks a great veggy garden john u shud sell ya veg to us lot lol

i plant about 400 onions and they will last me untill next years crop are ready also the potatoe's will last untill after xmas. runner beans are blanched and frozen, garlic will last untill next lot is ready, beetroot pickled and stored, sweetcorn is nearally ready, parsnips will be ready shortly.

oh! and penny gets plenty of fresh veg :thumbsup:
im really enjoying this topic, i c some have playing the guitar, id love to be able to do that had 4 or 5 lessons a few years ago but was too hard and my tutor left lol mind id also love to b able to surf but thats NEVER going to happen lol looks a great veggy garden john u shud sell ya veg to us lot lol

i plant about 400 onions and they will last me untill next years crop are ready also the potatoe's will last untill after xmas. runner beans are blanched and frozen, garlic will last untill next lot is ready, beetroot pickled and stored, sweetcorn is nearally ready, parsnips will be ready shortly.

oh! and penny gets plenty of fresh veg :thumbsup:

and so do we :thumbsup: nowt like fresh veg thanks john,the beetroot does not make it out of the pan to pickle :wub: :wub: luvlic :thumbsup:
I like Brass rubbing and reading the Bible, and the occasionally stroll to the allotments at 4am ;)
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apart from dogs i love my laptop lol is that a hobbie :-