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Now is the time I wished I'd taken a photo - about a 5 weeks ago - a red lump appeared on Stanleys muzzle - it grew to about 0.5cm in diameter and was very red and cherry like :blink: .

A quick trip to the vet later and the vet said it was a histiocytoma, quite common in young dogs on their legs and heads - they are benign tumours and disappear generally on their own accord.

It then started to go darker and crusty on top, I told my vet this (when Archie was being stitched up) he said that this meant it was drying up and diappearing - well it has got flatter and crustier but still there - until this morning (w00t) Stanley and his little mate Louis were playing and it has been ripped off :x

It bled a little bit, but now I can only explain it looks like a wart that has been removed. Has anyone had any experience - I am hoping it will now just heal up and that'll be the end - but I suppose it could regrow as it looks like some of the tumour is still there. Poor Stan he doesn't have much luck :(
Stan isnt having much luck poor lad :( (sorry no experience of this myself) but Wishing Stan better luck in 2006 Jo. :thumbsup: :huggles:
Mine had one about a year and a half ago that was quite large and the vet felt it would definately require surgery due to it's size. Because it was ulcerating she gave me a cream to prevent it getting infection and to buy a little time as he was quite young. Anyway it started to reduce in size rapidly and eventually dissapeared so he escaped the knife. He's had nothing since and you would struggle to see where it was now.

Here's the link, there was quite a lot of advice from people who had experienced them before.

Riley's lump
aside from location, sounds like what amber had on her bum :unsure: first it looked like a spot or bite, grew huuuuge (to me, anyway :b about size of a penny)

no hair on it at all. then it scabbed over, really flaky :x then gradually shrunk :blink: now its like it wasnt there :blink: all in the space of under 2 weeks.
Yes!! I just had Feather at the vet on Wednesday for one on her leg. She's had it about a month I think, it's about the size of a pea now & flat & scabby on top. The vet said to use Panalog (cortisone I think) on it twice a day. If it gets any bigger it has to come off but she said to just keep an eye on it, it could take a while to go. I'm a bit concerned that it will grow, I worry about Feather needing a GA to remove it. Hoping to avoid that.

I hope Stanleys goes away.

Yes, no problem Jo. I have experienced them on my dogs before now and they do disappear. To speed things up you can always try some cortisone cream (H45) from the chemist which I have used to great effect.
:D :D Well what a wonderful source of knowledge K9 is!

The picture of Rileys looks exactly like Stan's - poor boy, I have to keep explaining visitors about his 'wart'!! I've told him he won't be this ugly forever ;) :lol:

Well as soon as it heals, I'll try some cortisone cream

Thanks everyone for all the help :thumbsup:

Hope Feathers clears up soon too!
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I had a lurcher that had them intermittantly throughout all his life. It is generally a self limiting condition and they seem to heal ok on their own.

If you feel you must have them removed, and personaly I wouldn't, then you can have cryosurgery which doesn't require a GA ( or even sedation if your dogs steady enough)