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Hills Diet


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hi has anybody used the hills joint diet for their dogs and if you have did you see any improvement

i have been having problems with my whippet x for the last 18 months she seems to have a problem with her shoulder and after speaking with the vet i have decided to try this food i have been using glucosamine tablets but it is getting increasingly difficult to make sure she gets them as she is soo fussy and is not daft either and knows they are in her food and wont touch it :unsure:

i was just wondering if any one has used it and what results you may or may not have seen thanks :thumbsup:
I would try and get a sample first and check she likes it, as it is very expensive if she will not eat it. I tried one dog on the Hills for teeth and he didn't like it at all.

My greyhound has limped ever since I had her and the vets says all OK as she is not in pain probably will be arthritis later in life. I changed to James Wellbeloved and the limp was much improved for several months.
thanks for that my vet is very good if she didnt like it i will get a full refund anyway dont ask me how that works but im not arguing :lol:

she is only 4 and i would hate to think for the next 9 or 10 years she is going to have arthiritis and be restricted to a lead my vet has said it could just be a strain but she has been like it now for 18 months if i can get her to eat this food for the next 3 months and dont see any improvement my vet has said she will x ray the shoulder just to see whats going on thanks for that at least if she doesnt eat that i know what to try which james well beloved do you feed? :thumbsup:
affieluver said:
hi has anybody used the hills joint diet for their dogs and if you have did you see any improvement
i have been having problems with my whippet x for the last 18 months she seems to have a problem with her shoulder and after speaking with the vet i have decided to try this food i have been using glucosamine tablets but it is getting  increasingly difficult to make sure she gets them as she is soo fussy and is not daft either and knows they are in her food and wont touch it  :unsure:

i was just wondering if any one has used it and what results you may or may not have seen thanks  :thumbsup:

Dont put them in her food , put them straight down her throat ;) or in a bit of cheese / treat :huggles:
affieluver said:
thanks for that my vet is very good if she didnt like it i will get a full refund anyway dont ask me how that works but im not arguing :lol:
she is only 4 and i would hate to think for the next 9 or 10 years she is going to have arthiritis and be restricted to a lead  my vet has said it could just be a strain but she has been like it now for 18 months if i can get her to eat this food for the next 3 months and dont see any improvement my vet has said she will x ray the shoulder just to see whats going on thanks for that at least if she doesnt eat that i know what to try which james well beloved do you feed? :thumbsup:

i would change your vet, 4 years old and 18 months with a shoulder strain and the best she can do is to sell you commision based inferior dog food, try finding a dog osteopath they will sort your dog within weeks, sighthounds will often overstretch or with shoulders it can be caused if you have them chasing a thrown ball the constant pulling up at speed tends to put strain on shoulders these problems cannot be fixed by food
Have you tired glucosamine and chondroitin? My friend has a lab with elbow dysplasia and has been giving these supplements for 4 years now. Her lab is now off all prescrobed meds from the vet and has a normal expected life span whereas when Sophie was first diagnosed she was only expected to live til she was 5. Obviously the supplements ar not the sole reason for this success but have played a huge roll in Sophie's recovery.
Do you have a vet near you who does acupuncture? It helped my dear old border collie amazingly during the last year of his life. He had old injuries from being in a road traffic accident. I'm sure the acupuncture meant that he had a much better quality of life for that last year, and he didn't mind it a bit.
affieluver said:
thanks for that my vet is very good if she didnt like it i will get a full refund anyway dont ask me how that works but im not arguing :lol:
she is only 4 and i would hate to think for the next 9 or 10 years she is going to have arthiritis and be restricted to a lead  my vet has said it could just be a strain but she has been like it now for 18 months if i can get her to eat this food for the next 3 months and dont see any improvement my vet has said she will x ray the shoulder just to see whats going on thanks for that at least if she doesnt eat that i know what to try which james well beloved do you feed? :thumbsup:

I feed James Wellbeloved Lamb and Rice adult kibble.

I don't know much about it but I think you can buy powdered glyosomine as well, to sprinkle in their food just in case she doesn't like either brand.
I am a vet nurse and know that glucosamine and chondroitin supplements can help but they do take a while, and you need an initial loading period of normally 6 weeks Be careful as there are different grades of gluc/chond and the ones you see cheap in the health food stores are not very good as the molecules are too big to be absorbed. They are also very often not made from renewable sources too and are depleting our fish stocks. The higher grade ones are things like cosequin and seraquin. There is a new one come out very good quality in a tasty treat - called easeflex, maybe see if you can get sample to try - the company making it are alstoe and they did drop us some freebies in. However, it is no substitute for good vet care - all the supplements in the world won't help with some conditions.
wouldn't like to say anything bad, but I have so bad experiences about Hill that I would never feed it to anyone of my dogs.
im even more confused now :blink: im going to have to think about what to do a while longerthanks everyone for your replies :thumbsup: