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Hi everyone


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Just joined today so just finding my feet on the forum and wanted to say Hi
Have tried to upload a profile pic but it says my pic is too large. Don't know how to make it smaller, any ideas?
Hello, Welcome.

I shrink all of my pictures for sending, but still saving the original untouched (save as). So I have 2 pictures of everything, some that I can send and the originals that are too large for sending.

I would love to help you but I think it may depend on which system you are running on, and I am not a computer literate youngster ! My system is Windows 7.
Thanks for the welcome. The only internet access I have is via my android phone
I'm sure there will be someone who can help you.
Hello and welcome:) Can't help with the photos I am afraid.
Nor me either I'm afraid. But welcome to the forum. There are some really experienced and helpful members on the site so you should have no problems with any dog questions!