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Hi Everyone....


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Hello all. I`m new and have a beautiful Whippet called Bluebell who is 7 years old today !

I have 4 other dogs Topsy ( mongrel) Rosie, Millie and Saffie ( Jack Russell Terrors)

I am home all day so I have a lot of other animals apart from my dogs. I have 8 guinea pigs, 10 rats, 2 gerbils and two hamsters....I just adore every single one of them.

I adopted Bluebell through Linda Jones of JRWhippet Rescue when Bluebell was about 14 months old. She had been abandoned and was extremely thin. She soon put on weight and is such a sweetheart but what a couch potato she is ...A real pudding !!! hahaha ! We love her to bits.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone. :huggles:
Hi welcome i am sure you will have fun on here.look forward to seeing pics of all your dogs & all your other animals :thumbsup:
Welcome to K9. :thumbsup: Sure you will enjoy it and will be another addict :)) :))

Bluebell is a lovely name for a whippie.What colouring is she?
hello and welcome to k9.ive got 2 manic jack russells! :D
[SIZE=21pt]Welcome to K9[/SIZE]

Welcome...i bet Bluebell looks adorable

hello and welcome to k9 look forward to seeing some pics of your family :cheers:
hi jill and welcome to k9,hope you can manage to put some photos on of your lot,i love rats especially :wub: :thumbsup:
Welcome to this mad forum... :lol: :cheers:
What a welcome !!! How lovely you all are !!! :huggles: I had to laugh at BlueNoise !!! hahahahaha !.....Well.....actually......She is BLUE !!! hahahahaha ! She is a lovely shade with a splash of white on her chest and three feet !!

Rescue thought that gypsies had her and abandoned her when they moved on. She had a nasty scar on top of her head and sores on her legs from sleeping on hard ground or similar.

Though extremely thin , she had not been cruelly treated at all , she certainly shows no signs of it and if the gypsies did have her and relied on her for their dinner.....They`d be starved to death by now...She couldn`t catch a tortoise ! hahaha ! Well, she could but she doesn`t seem to want to !! o:)

Wherever she came from she would have a nice pedigree, she is lovely. !

Anyone who knows me from other forums will know that photos are not my thing ! :wub: However, you never know !!! I`ll try saying how nice you all are !!

Kris....Jack Russells are manic alright !! haha ! Rosie and Millie are aged 6 and 5 years and I have just taken in a pup who is now 18 weeks and she is adorable and the dogs think she`s great !!......however, you should have seen Saffie`s face when she saw Bluebell....I don`t think she`d seen a `big` dog before..It was funny !!

Lovely to meet you all. I will have more time later to browse the site and get involved !!

Thank you all for such a kind welcome !! :)
Hello Jill and welcome to k9

It would be nice to see pics of your dogs :thumbsup:
Thank you everyone. I will try to put up some photographs ! :b
Hi and welcome to K9. :cheers: Looking forward to seeing photos of your 'family'. :thumbsup: Bluebell is a lovely name and so appropriate for a blue whippet. :wub: :wub:
[SIZE=14pt]Hi and you will love k9[/SIZE]

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