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Hey Girl Won But At What Price


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hey girl deserved to win but at what cost lets be honest about this how many dog owners went home i trapped bad i put the wrong lead on i cut its toe nail wrong a month ago the camara woz wrong forgot to wake the dog up at the wright time 4 days ago i drove the wrong way to the track but never mind does this mean the best dog never won what if hey girl trapped bad were are you all then because i no steve eat the dogs breakie because dinner was a no go again glenis has proved once again that the dog can go and win supreme but wheres pics ov steves sunday roast so can we all say for once glenis won never mind well done congrats but really thinking why not me because steve did go without sunday dinner for this
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Styler, wouldn't u give up ur sunday dinner to watch some top class racing.anyway we have a sunday dinner on a Monday.I bet ur a egg & chips man anyway.
the wright time - but i suspect you know the correct spelling of right, rite !!! (w00t)
open racers are above the rest they have better food im egg n chips because styler is a club man club racers are a happy go lucky bunch no excusses when we lose just a good old pat on the back and a well done a working class sport for styler but is it fair on us when the leading federations turn up and say move aside does any1 agree or is styler wrong again no abuse please