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He's Home


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my boy is finally home im £500 pounds lighter but would do it all again he still has a long way to go and the vets is going to be my second home for the next few weeks :(

he has had his jaw wired and has got severe nerve damage in his front leg which if it doesnt improve will possible have to be amputated but that is a very long way off yet and if i can spare him another op then i will

i doubted wether i had done the right thing but now i have him home i know i have as hes eating like a horse pureed pilchards are his favourite :x but who am i to complain

thanks to all the pms i have had asking about him its been gratefully appreciated :huggles:

MY BOY :wub:

Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant!

Well done Kelly for sticking with him and giving the handsome lad a chance

:huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
What a lucky boy to have such a loving Mummy,

So pleased to see that he is back home :huggles:
Hope your lovely boy continues to improve! :huggles: :luck:
aww this is the best news ive heard today :) so glad hes well enough to come home and good luck :luck: :luck: :luck: with that leg of his :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:

can i also say..............hes grogeous :wub: :wub: :wub: 8)
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aww kelly! so pleased he is home with you :huggles: hope he picks up quickly for you
:oops: sorry kelly, just seen this.......

i hope the little lad gets better soon :luck: :huggles: :huggles:
so sorry to see the previous thread but so pleased now to see this , well done you , and what a little fighter he is :wub: this is for you hun :huggles:
Good for you Kelly :huggles:


I hope he goes from strength to strength, he looks a

very handsome cat :wub:
:huggles: Thats such brilliant news... :cheers:

and what a gorgeous handsome lad he is... :wub: :huggles:

Good luck Max.. :luck: Im sure mam will take good care of you now... :huggles:
at last i can reply kel (w00t) so glad you have got max home :huggles: :huggles:
:luck: speedy recovery

what a handsom boy :wub:

glad he is home and on the mend :thumbsup:
so pleased your boys home kelly :huggles:

hope he makes a speedy recovery :luck: :huggles:
Just seen this - been busy in the zapping area if you know what I mean :- "

So glad he's doing well, and glad you have him home. Bet the nerves will come back to life soon - good luck :luck:
I'm so pleased he is home with you. What a lovely boy he is. Wishing him a very speedy recovery! :huggles:
Kelly he is so handsome :wub:

So glad he is home and making a good recovery :))
hope he recovers well and soon, poor thing mustn't have a clue what's happening to him. :luck:
:)) Glad to see he is on the road to recovery :)) And, hey, what else would you have spent your £500 on :lol:

I bet he feels better just to be back home again :luck:
So pleased to see that he is home again and on the mend.

I hope the s******d who hit him is having trouble sleeping!