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Heron Update


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I phoned today to find out how the heron was doing expecting him to be released today but unfortunately he isn't doing too well. He isn't eating very well so the release has been delayed until he's more able to cope. The river today was almost frozen the whole way across so food will be in short supply here.

Hoping to get better news soon ;)
Hope he is strong enough to go free again - but as you say food for the wild birds is short at the moment. Iv'e even started putting bread out for the local ones hoping that they are able to keep going through the snow.
:( oh dear - hope he picks up!! we put food out for the birds in our garden all year round (less is summer) at the moment we need to fill the seed things up every few days :eek:
Oh I was so looking forward to coming back on and seeing his release...poor bird god knows how long hed been stuck there

before you found him... :(

Lets hope he is able to get strong enough to be able to be set free that would be the perfect ending... :luck:
I ,,Susan not John,,lost my password,,

I have been putting out wild bird seed, bread and old cakes etc,,since we got the snow,,over 3 weeks,,my garden has been full of birds,,but today,,its all still in the garden not touched :eek: I did see a robin,,but he left and no birds since. We have not had snow today,,so I can still see the seeds and bread etc. Hope the wee guys made it as its been hell here and freezing :(