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My greyhound and oldest whippet bitch are both spayed. For the last three or four weeks Pye has been going nuts, following them round, licking them and their pee. He is obsessed with them. Pye is a proven stud so should know the difference between and in season bitch and one that isn't. It's driving us nuts as he keeps pacing about all the time.

Any Ideas?????
Might any of your bitches developed a health condition which is making their pee smell different?
Hi my old is 13years old, and have been spayed 11 years ago,, but the males they still lick her and try to jump her, but we have use him as must be a male thing, :- , i am always shouting at my him.
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Duke did this to Dotty, about 4 months after she was speyed (he's a castrated dog) for 3 -4 weeks gradually getting worse and worse until over a 2 day period when he was to the point of obsessed wining all the time trying to mount her licking her nether regions, and actually, how shall i put this, :b spraying all over the place as if he was a full male it was horrible! :sweating: :( I even rang Lisa at greyhound gap where we got him from, to confirm he'd been properly castrated. He drove us Bonkers!! I even took Dotty to the vet convinced he had left something behind, he tested her for something called 'ovarian remnant syndrome' Luckily for us the test came back negative. we never found out why this happened the vet said possibly it was to do with a residue of her ovulation hormones even though she'd been speyed. The good news is it hasn't happened again from that day to this! :thumbsup: Very weird, hopefully it will be the same for your lad. but yes I really feel for you because its not nice for either you or your poor dogs. can only hope that your case is the same as ours was. :luck: :luck:
It would be worth getting their anal glands checked. Full or infected anal glands can give off a scent which some male dogs can find very interesting :x