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hi i need some help been trying to find an breeding line of racing whippets my dad and grandad used to breed and used a stud dog from the machester area in the 1980's i think the dog was from eccles. but can't remember the affix so i was wondering if anyone knows of any breeders in the area from that time and there affixes .if i saw the name i would reconise it straight away its driving me nuts!! if i remember correctly there was alot of conterversey over this bloodline due to the sucsess that the dogs had in all the major championships at the time one of the dogs was my grandfathers dog pennylane who was uk champion 1980 at 160yrds straight in the 24lbs weight class.
Hi This was before our time, but I remember someone mentioning the Beesaps breeding being questioned, and also the McArthur breeding. Sorry I don't know any more than that - some might, but may not want to post it here - perhaps someone will PM you with details.
thank you june it helps atleast i've got another line to go on. my problem is i was only a child so i didn't have much to do with the breeding i just raced my own dogs and trained them with my dad and grandad.
June Jonigk Posted on Aug 16 2004, 11:05 AM   Hi This was before our time, but I remember someone mentioning the Beesaps breeding being questioned, and also the McArthur breeding
Gosh thats a blast from the past . I knew Billy Mckenzie ( McArthur ) , he tried his hand once at showing , he had a little white bitch called McArthur Snowdrop :wub: he offered to give her too me but my OH at the time would have none of it :(

Was a sad day when I lost Billy as a friend :( and still have a painting he gave me to celebrate my dog `Simon` getting the reserve C C at SKC
Hi Jax

Yes, everyone has told us he was a lovely man - I think I met him once briefly in 1987, when he was with Linda Wren at the Northern.
2 of my Whippets are from MacArthur breeding :wub: and Julia (their breeder) speaks very highly of Billy MacKenzie :D ...........

I was led to believe that MacArthur Cover Girl (WCRCh./Fed.Ch. Magic Trick) did well in the ring and was a tad handy on the track aswell :thumbsup: ...........and MacArthur is behind alot of the top winning, good looking racers today :D .......Here's a link to the MacArthurs web site for anyone who's interested ........

MacArthurs web page
Hannah , THANKYOU so much for that . :wub: :wub:

Billy often rang me when he could from London or where ever he was to ask how `Simon` was doing . How I wish id had `Nessie :wub: She was so dainty next to Simon ,and Billy would have loved it if they`d had `babies `

Must admit though seeing a picture of Billy and Nessie again after all these years has brought me to tears :( , But happy memories.

I wonder how old she lived too ?
I can't help you there Jax .....but i do know that a few people helped out afterwards ..........Its funny how looks etc carry on down a line, as my Miya looks just like Secret Service :wub: .....they are virtually identical :D ........and Magic Master looks just like Jacobs sister (same mum as Miya (MacArthur,) but different sire)...........Glad its brought back happy memories though :D
I have just found this topic as a result of looking up the MacArthur history. That web site is BRILLIANT Hannah. I have printed it all out to keep with Fynn's stuff. OMG, Miya and Secret Service are so alike. Motivation reminds me of Julia' most recent litter.
There are alot of dog's on the track that look like him .........Jest's dad is one of the look alikes :D ........It's very interesting seeing family resemblance's .......just look at Magic Trick's head shape, then look at little Georgie's :)
I have just found an old video recording of the Associates.......How strange, Billy was a very beautiful looking man :(
He was Jo , :( Billy didn n go to many shows , just the scottish ones , I remember the first time I saw him , he was making a real hash of showing Nessie :oops: , Wearing his trade mark beret, his face was as red as beetroot :b , I couldnt believe it when much later I was told that he was a lead singer in a band , and used to playing in front of thousands of people . And here he was too shy to take a dog in the ring :p

Heres a couple of pics for his album covers , with Nessie :wub:
It is sad, but I am so glad I know the story. Fynn is extra special because of the work and love that went into his line :wub:
And so he should be as it's a VERY special line ..........Well it's got to be as Miya and Twit are MacArthurs :wub: .......Keep saying that little Fynn look's like Miya :*