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Help With House Training


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Hello K9ers,

Some of you may remember my last post about getting a lurcher puppy and how happy I was,.Famous Last Words. We now have a delightful greyhound/whippet who is just 12 weeks old. He walks fairly well on the lead and sits on command. His recall is abit hit and miss but he'll retrieve quite afew times on the trot.

All sounds very hunky- dory apart from one thing. I've never known a puppy pee so often and in such vast amounts in the house after he's been outside.

He's fed on dry puppy food and always has water available. Also either I've forgotten how much energy pups have or we're feeding him rocket fuel. He weighs about 16lbs but there is no loose flesh on him and I'm abit worried about him muscling up too quickly. He has almost constant access to the garden and has my wife as company for 99% of the day.

Any advice on any of the above greatfully received.

PS We really love him to bits. Photos when I've worked out how to do it.

Cheers Harryjay
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My pups 13 weeks tomorrow and still has accidents and probably will for a takes time for them to be fully house trained.

The best way is put them out as soon as they wake up, straight after they have eaten, when they have had a giddy 5/10 minutes and then every hour in between and then build the time up as they get older.

Loads and loads of praise too...whenever they do it in the right place.

When I catch my little monster doing it in the house I shout NO and put her straight outside and tell her to be clean...never punish them for doing it in the house cos it doesn't work.

Hope this helps and just be patient.

I feed on dry at the moment but I'm taking the pludge and going to put them on the raw diet... :wacko:
harryjay said:
Hello K9ers, Some of you may remember my last post about getting a lurcher puppy and how happy I was,.Famous Last Words. We now have a delightful greyhound/whippet who is just 12 weeks old. He walks fairly well on the lead and sits on command. His recall is abit hit and miss but he'll retrieve quite afew times on the trot.

All sounds very hunky- dory apart from one thing. I've never known a puppy pee so often and in such vast amounts in the house after he's been outside.

He's fed on dry puppy food and always has water available. Also either I've forgotten how much energy pups have or we're feeding him rocket fuel. He weighs about 16lbs but there is no loose flesh on him and I'm abit worried about him muscling up too quickly. He has almost constant access to the garden and has my wife as company for 99% of the day.

Any advice on any of the above greatfully received.

PS We really love him to bits. Photos when I've worked out how to do it.

Cheers  Harryjay

12 months old now my dog, only ever weed in the house twice, never pood, the first time she weed i didnt cop her doing it so i couldnt rebuke her, but the second time i copped her doing a wee, i let her finish, got down on all fours looked her in the eye and said, you horrible disgusting little dog, never any bother since, now then, she kips on a chair at the side of my bed, in the morning when i get up off the chair she goes downstairs and stands at the back door till i go down, just do what hellybobs suggests he will be fine im sure, good luck

keith, with no rock to suck on :thumbsup:
Your pup sounds yummy and will look forward to pics. :)

As Hellybobs says it takes time to housetrain the little blighters and I think some dry food makes them wee more than others (sure I read that somewhere) so maybe experiment a bit - Burns is supposed to be good and mine quite like it altho they prefer cooked rabbit, chicken & lamb :D and only eat the dry food which I leave down if they get hungry in the night. Naturdiet & Forthglade are good wet whole foods (come in handy packets) and most dogs like them so also worth a try.

Just keep taking him out at regular intervals and praising like mad when he performs out doors including on walks. I still congratulate mine for doing it outdoors and say Good pee or poo & whistle to encourage them to get on with it. I'm sure lots of peeps think I'm crazy but frankly I don't care!

Don't fret - it will come :)
Loopy said:
Your pup sounds yummy and will look forward to pics. :)
As Hellybobs says it takes time to housetrain the little blighters and I think some dry food makes them wee more than others (sure I read that somewhere) so maybe experiment a bit - Burns is supposed to be good and mine quite like it altho they prefer cooked rabbit, chicken & lamb :D and only eat the dry food which I leave down if they get hungry in the night. Naturdiet & Forthglade are good wet whole foods (come in handy packets) and most dogs like them so also worth a try.

Just keep taking him out at regular intervals and praising like mad when he performs out doors including on walks. I still congratulate mine for doing it outdoors and say Good pee or poo & whistle to encourage them to get on with it. I'm sure lots of peeps think I'm crazy but frankly I don't care!

Don't fret - it will come :)

Nowt wrong with your reply loopy so why on earth would peeps think you are crazy

i suppose some of you think im a tad tapped, but frankly my dearios i dont give a dam

Hi Keith, I'm planning on becoming even more eccentric when I finally persuade my teenage sons to leave home! :) I don't think it's mad to congratulate doglets on peeing & pooing but my neighbours probably do!

I care less & less what other people think as I get older and as long as no-one locks me up away from my animals I'll be fine and so will they. :thumbsup:
Your not crazy just doing whats best for you and your doggy froend...

Now I get loads of strange looks when out toileting the dogs...I tell them to be "clean girls" constantly until they do and then praise them like mad when they do... :teehee: :blink: :teehee: :blink:
Loopy said:
Hi Keith, I'm planning on becoming even more eccentric when I finally persuade my teenage sons to leave home! :)   I don't think it's mad to congratulate doglets on peeing & pooing but my neighbours probably do!
I care less & less what other people think as I get older and as long as no-one locks me up away from my animals I'll be fine and so will they. :thumbsup:

Hi, dont talk of neighbours to me, when i first got my dog, like i say she kips on a chair in my room, so first thing in the morning down she would go for a jimmy, so i thought to myself before im dressed shes gonna do whatever downstairs, ok so down i went jack lulu, and into the garden with her, im stood there telling her hurry up go move your bowels, hurry up move yourself, you luverly little bitch, when i looked up at next doors bedroom window owd norman my neighbour was watching me, he,s never mentioned it to this day, neh mind eh

LOL Keith at least we're all the same weird dog owners (w00t)

You'll have to get some murry mints to suck on :- "
hellybobs said:
LOL Keith at least we're all the same weird dog owners  (w00t)
You'll have to get some murry mints to suck on  :- "

Murray mints where on earth do murray mints come into it, please dont confuse my brain any more than it is, ohhhhhhh, you mean the rock bit

I've said it before & I'll say it again...... Get an indoor crate..... all my dogs have been housetrained in less than 2 weeks using a crate. Wouldn't be without one.

I also still praise Scrumpy(11months) for "Being good" last thing at night when she goes out for a wee. "Goody Goody Girly Whirly". Yep, the neighbours do give me funny looks but who cares.... my floor is dry :lol:

God luck with your pup Harryjay
J.T. said:
I've said it before & I'll say it again...... Get an indoor crate..... all my dogs have been housetrained in less than 2 weeks using a crate. Wouldn't be without one.
I also still praise Scrumpy(11months) for "Being good" last thing at night when she goes out for a wee. "Goody Goody Girly Whirly". Yep, the neighbours do give me funny looks but who cares.... my floor is dry  :lol:

God luck with your pup Harryjay

when i put jill out last thing at night i say to her

come on jillipops go do dumpies for daddy, do u think im mental, i wont be offended, keith :blink:
I think we must all be mental then! :) :blink:

Between my boss & my teenage sons it wouldn't surprise me if I went completely bonkers. :rant: The doglets are the only thing keeping me relatively ok atm.
Many thanks for the advice. Patience seems to be the key word and praise!!

I'm a little confused though. Do I sit in the cage with a packet of murray mints or does my long suffering,very patient wife? (She needs the rest).

Thanks again to everyone.
Will look forward to pics of either of you sucking Murraymints in cage

+ your pup of course! :)

Very best wishes!
get your pup on meat and brown bread then it not drink as much is it just peeing during the night? if it is keep it in the bedroom with you [make it a bed] then it should wake you up when it wants to go if it is sneaking one in during the day disinfect well with something strong like zoflora and keep better watch of it during the day if you can get five days clear the penny usualy drops and if your lucky enough to catch the pup doing it let it know your not pleased only give water when needed as i said if your feeding right a dog dont drink a lot ive a pup thirteen weeks old and he dont drink no more than a quater a pint a day and his waters down all the time.
harryjay said:
He has almost constant access to the garden
We are also going through the housetraining thingo at the moment. This time with Phoebe has been so completely different to Beau. With Beau it was summer and we were living in the rented house (while we built). That house only had one exit door to the rear garden. It was extremely easy to be on the ball with keeping an eye on him, so he was extremely easy to house train. We only had two puddles inside. Phoebe is a different story. It is winter, it has rained all week. We are in the new house, with a variety of exits from the living area, all leading to mud. I set to yesterday to sort out a proper path that leads away to a patch of grass. Hopefully she will now sort out that this is the exit for her to go piddles.

Are you going out the one door all the time, or are you choosing a variety of exits? You need to be vigilant with taking her outside after she wakes up, or after she has eaten. Choose one spot and stick to it. Also do you keep your doors to the outside open or closed. If the are open all the time it can be counter productive to house training as the pup doesn't learn to sit and wait at the door for you to open it. They need to learn a clear distinction between inside and outside.

Remember the 3 P's Practice , Patience and Praise :luck: :luck: :luck:
