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Help with a rescue dog


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i have a intact male shih tzu cross poodle he is about 18 months old i have had since he was about 9-10 months old when he arrived he messed in the house most nights and if left alone( only ever for 1-2 hours) but after a couple of months this stopped. over the last 2 months he is messing and weeing all the time on the furniture on the beds and if im playing cards with my husband he will do it right in front of us. he has free access to the garden and has 3 regular walks a day i really need some help to sort this out any ideas will be great thanks
Just a thought but he may need a little more mental stimulation?

It's rare dog's mess in the house for attention it's usually barking or nipping at your feet.

The first thing to do is go and see your vet and rule out any medical problems that has brought this one so suddenly.

If he is in the clear then i'd probably say more stimulating toys- like the hard rubber ones they have to play with and roll around to get the treats out of; my dogs loves them :)

there are others on here that will reply to this post that have years of experience with dogs so hopefully they can guide you in the right direction!

Good luck :)

oh another thing that has just sprung to mind, is to consider getting him neutered.

in tact dogs do like to mark their territory!
thank you he does have toys quite a lot which are changed round, squeaky, kong type soft toys, balls and chewy things i do some training with him most days he can sit, lie down ,come ( but not to good on this if there is other dogs around) he also does roll over stay , sit and stay whilst you throw a ball
I had similar problems with my old bitch she came from kennels but was housetrained, she would get walked then come in the house and pee right in front of us in the living room!

I went completely back to basic puppy training with her, took her outside every hour and a half (day and night) waited until she peed, made a huge fuss of her and gave her a treat, every time she peed I said "pee pee" after a few days I extended the time to every 2-3 hours for taking her out and gradually the use of the "pee pee" command and a treat made her go on command when I walked her and took her in the garden.

I would take away his constant access to the garden for the time being and re-train him to pee when you are with him and treat/praise him. Good Luck :luck: