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Help to shortlist suitable breed


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Firstly, hello all!

Sometime in the future I'm looking to bring a dog into our home but have no idea on the best breed so that's why I'm here.

When I was younger, I shared my life with a sheltie and a GSD.

I'm looking to get a small/medium breed which isn't yappy and is happy to sit at me feet as well as going for walks. A dog which is happy to go on the odd walking holiday is what I'm looking for, but not a dog that has endless energy like a border collie.

General breed health is important. I don't want a breed which is susceptible to loads of breed issues.

I'd be grateful for maybe your top 5 shortlist which I can then go and research more fully.
I do know that I, like most people am prejudiced, but I will tell you to have a look at sight hounds, both Greyhounds and Whippets make wonderful pets. Although most hate getting wet they are more than capable of joining you on a walking holiday with a suitable waterproof coat in case of rain. And they are both classified as generally healthy, the only thing, either would be more likely to be on your lap or next to you on a sofa than lying at your feet. They big drawback to them is that most have a high prey drive and if they spot say a rabbit they will be off at high speed.

Good luck with your search, one suggestion would be to attend some dog shows to experience your short list first hand.
Hi,i'm new on here .I'm susi .I have a basset hound she is my forth basset .Go for a basset they are a wonderful breed !!!
There is a programme on the Kennel Club website which helps you decide on a suitable breed for your preference and lifestyle.
Thanks for the replies. I love the idea of a whippet but unfortunately I have pet rats and would worry in case the dog got to them.
i agree with taking the dog breed quizzes!

we had similar requirements when we were deciding on a breed and we took several of the questionnaires before getting our Labrador. it was a toss up between a Lab and a German Short Haired Pointer which were the recommendations and our little man has slotted right in with our way of life.

if you can go to Crufts! Its coming up soon and they have a massive section with an A-Z of breeds. Before picking our pooch we went and spent at least a couple hours talking to different breeders about their dogs, habits lifestyle etc!

A great way to get one on one information about the breed! they are all so in love with their dogs too that they will talk to you forever!

good luck!