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I have a 2 year to old male German Shep, had him about 2 months now, he came from the breeder who in guess didn't need him so sold him on. They lived on a property with land and had 18 dogs. He hasn't had recap training he knows his name and will come when called at home but I know where he was from they all roamed the land together as a pack. So when we are out if I let him off he will never come back ,tried it! Everything is so new and exciting, I've done long leash training ran backwards made silly noises,used food etc, he isn't motivated for anything has no focus other than what's ahead of him in the fields or dogs,so what do I do?
There is no straight answer in this .. but the first part in getting a good recall is to train his motivation for something. Does your dog like to play with balls, frisbees etc? A good way to train is let your dog work for his food. A hungry stomach will surely get his attention and will provide a good start. Many dogs don't fetch but can be trained to enjoy fetching a ball.

When you did the long leash training .. how close were you to any distraction that makes him not come back?

How long did you persist with the training? How's the recall at home? How many different areas have you trained recall? He might have a very good recall home but this again has to be trained in different environments to make the recall stronger.
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