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hi was just wondering if anybody knows what i can do to help my very scared 15month old whippet :( we do not normally get fireworks around here but tonight my lovely neighbour has decided to have a party not that i mind but i just wish they had told me :angry: needless to say she is petrified drooling shaking crying the works and i really dont know what to do ive shut all the curtains turned my tv up really loud but she just wont settle ive even put her in her crate and covered it to try and make her feel safe but shes in a complete blind panic :eek: does anybody have any ideas as to what i can do just for tonight and for the next few days as the kind people opposite have at least pre warned me about their party tomorrow night thanks a very frightened little girl :unsure:
Ive got one who is a bit scared of them but not too bad< Oscar...he is changing rooms every half hour.. (w00t)

I ordered some DAP spray and also Vallerium and scullcap could try them but its a bit late to order them from the internet now.,

I got the tablets from Dorwest Herbs.
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Janimal said:
Ive got one who is a bit scared of them but not too bad< Oscar...he is changing rooms every half hour.. (w00t)
I ordered some DAP spray and also Vallerium and scullcap could try them but its a bit late to order them from the internet now.,

I got the tablets from Dorwest Herbs.

thanks it is a bit late today i was going to see what i could get tomorrow i just wasnt expecting her to react quite so badly :thumbsup: and yes weve been in every room in the house even tried to get in the bath with me :blink: normally they run a mile when they see the towel :lol:
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My Robbie is in a cage thats got a sheet over it, he's been sedated, but will have to give him another tablet more for the 5th as he's still not 100% under like last year :(

They are going off still :( .

Ive tried almost everything for Robbie :( this was the last resort :( .

The other 2 are okay :thumbsup:

Nothing worse than seeing your dog a quivering wreak, due to fireworks /bombs going off :angry: :angry:
Sorry to hear that you have severe problems.

I guess I'm lucky that Jazz only gets angry with them, and barks like mad - then goes and takes it out on her Balleeeeeee.

She had 2 great runs out today with the frizbee, which is her 'to die for' toy, and hasn't been bothered with all the banging tonight at all. Bless her heart- fast akip on top of her snuggle bed
My Evie was a nervous wreck last year :( and it was horrible to see her petrified at every bang that went off, she would pace up and down panting not knowing what to do with her self, it was awful to watch her so distressed :(

This year i had bought a snuggle sack off nicky12 on k9 and at the same time ordered some skullcap and velerian from dorwest herbs, well tonight has been a compleatly different story.

Evie has been having the tablets for a week and once i and Evie noticed the big bangs going off I popped her in the snuggle sack and she was so happy and contented and felt safe in there , as the night progressed and the bangs got louder and louder, she did move from one bed to another and from one sofa to another. But compared from last year a remarked improvement :thumbsup:

So for me it's thumbs up for Nickys snuggle sack and scullcap and valerian tablets from dowest herbs :thumbsup:

hope this link works .....

Hope this helps dont forget when christmas and new year come around there will be fireworks again, so it might be worth while ordering some tablets now !

Oh and wouldn't you just know it we had been invited to 2 parties tonight, we just couldn't go and leave Evie, mind you Gracie would have looked after her....... Gracie the whippet who loves to watch the fireworks but is So So scared of the hover monster :wacko: :lol:
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The only advice I've got is that you try not to reassure her. I know it sounds a bit cruel but it can make them worse, almost like a reward for crying, shaking, drooling etc. Juts try to act as if nothing is wrong (very hard I know). Mine have never been scared of fireworks but Molly has just gone out for a wee tonight and one went off over our house, she ran back in looking very worried indeed and now she won't go back out for a wee.

Very nice of your neighbours to warn you about the fireworks :angry: if they'd have warned you you could've taken her out for the night. Have you got any lavender oil you can burn for tonight? Might help send her to sleep, works a treat with mine anyway :D
I tried being the hard mum, ignoring Robbie, but it never worked, tried the firework dvd and all the other thing for firework fear :D none worked, so I sopke to my vet and the sedatin tablets do work :thumbsup: , Rob will need 3 tablets for the 5th Nov :( , but only had 2 up to now and he's had a good night, no fear, no pacing or panting :thumbsup: Well only a little :D

I do dread the 5th as it's a lot louder :( the bangs are bigger :( , but Robbie will be in a dark cage, sedated and won't know whats going on :thumbsup:

You do need to be very carfull as the sedated dog, can fall/stumble so just be very carfull at bedtime, taking them upstairs :thumbsup: I put Robbie on the lead and take him around the garden for the last toilet, then carrie him to his bed for the night :thumbsup: I hate the 5th now, as Rob is the only dog who Ive had in 30yrs scared of fireworks :( all the others are fine, even wee Colt (pup and 6 months)

Talk to your vet tomorrow, get tablets for them if need be, just to get throgh the 5th, and try the dvd and other firework fear things :thumbsup: IN the future :- " :D
OK, don't laugh, I SING, I'm HAPPY, my Whippets ( 5 (w00t) ) are happy too, it goes BANG and mummy is happy and sings. If they need to go out, I go too and am still happy. Luckily it works for mine and they are all very good. o:)
well my lab/cross is on a valerin something last night worked a treat but tonight decided that if dad was going for a shower she was too, so she had a shower with her dad tonight even lay down in the bath. so im off to get some rescue remedy from the chemist tomorrow as she has had it before and seems to help so least if the vet isnt open tomorrow if u can find a chemist they might have it for you to give to her
We were lucky despite having a big display just up the road. We had to pop out for an hour but made sure we wereback in before it started. The whippets and setter all went into their cages in the other room and slept through it William Jasperand Buttton in the front room with us Button was a bit jumpy at some of the big bangs but otherwise not to bothered . William decided to sit in the window watching the firewrks go off (w00t) .

We used to have an old GSD who we lost last year and he used to sit outside watching them and trying to catch the rockets if you fetched him indoors he used to get stressed and get upet but he was the sort of dog that was completely unflappable and not bothered about anything the more noise they made the happier he was.

Saying this although we live in the middle of a big town we have never had bangs like we did last night. I think some shops are selling display fireworks to the public :rant:
Juley said:
OK, don't laugh, I SING, I'm HAPPY, my Whippets ( 5  (w00t) ) are happy too, it goes BANG and mummy is happy and sings. If they need to go out, I go too and am still happy. Luckily it works for mine and they are all very good.  o:)
right o julie youve got a new job when can you start :lol: no seriously my friend also suggested something similar i think if id start singing the neighbours would have me carted away (w00t)
thanks everyone im going to see what i can get today and ill speak to my vet on monday i really dont want to go down the sedative route but ill see :( i might try a dap diffuser has any body else had any success with these im going to take her for a good run today to try and really tire her out if its at all possible and see what tonight brings thanks :thumbsup:
the rescue remedy wont sedate her she will still be steady on her feet, in humans its popular to take before a driving test if u suffer from nerves
oh dear, im sorry you had problems last night, gypsy wasnt as bad as i thought she would be last night, she pulled her blanket off the sofa and dragged it over to my sofa and buried her head under it, and that is where she stayed until about midnight, she jumped a few times but over all she was ok

really hope you have a better night tonight :thumbsup:
thanks guys i have borrowed some skull cap and valerian from a friend so ill see if that makes a difference tonight failing that im gonna buy her some ear plugs bless her :wub: well let you know how we get on thankyou :thumbsup:
This might seem odd and I cannot personally say if it works as my lot don't mind fireworks (only one can hear them!).

I read on a dog group, and many said it worked for them, that if you wear a tee-shirt yourself for a few hours (or get a member of the family the dog loves to do it) then put the tee on the dog when the fireworks start,this acts as a comfort to the dog. I guess you might have to put a tie around a large sized one (w00t) Along with the DAp diffusers, various herbal remedies etc, it can't do any harm and might be worth a try. A lot of people swear it works bettter than anything, so give it a go!! :unsure:
pollyanna said:
This might seem odd and I cannot personally say if it works as my lot don't mind fireworks (only one can hear them!). I read on a dog group, and many said it worked for them, that if you wear a tee-shirt yourself for a few hours (or get a member of the family the dog loves to do it) then put the tee on the dog when the fireworks start,this acts as a comfort to the dog. I guess you might have to put a tie around a large sized one  (w00t)   Along with the DAp diffusers, various herbal remedies etc, it can't do any harm and might be worth a try.  A lot of people swear it works bettter than anything, so give it a go!! :unsure:

Yes this does apparently work although I haven't tried it myself. It is better if it is a tight fitting t shirt though, eg. a kids one, because it is supposed to work on pressure points on the dogs body, not just to provide comfort with your smell :thumbsup:
We find the best thing to do is to find a radio station with music with a very strong beat, and turn it up very loud, as this helps to make the individual bangs seem less loud. I very indulgently let him in my bed under the duvet, as this is a great treat and it helps muffle it further. Packing lots of duvets etc over a cage might also dampen the sound a bit.

Jazzys dad said:
I guess I'm lucky that Jazz only gets angry with them, and barks like mad - then goes and takes it out on her Balleeeeeee.
The trouble is that things can change. Gelert didn't mind them until a couple of years back, when moron neighbours nearby let off a load of airbombs and is now phobic about all loud noises including thunderstorms. :rant: Older dogs seem to have more of a problem than younger ones, Guto doesn't seem to notice them at all.

I've also taken to remonstrating with neighbours and explaining (not in terribly measured terms I admit :b ) exactly what effect their fireworks are having on my dogs and livestock, that they are knowingly causing distress if they continue and that in future they should inform us beforehand (as per the recommendations given by local authorities re. fireworks). Some people honestly don't seem to have a clue that it causes any distress, even people with dogs and cats themselves :rant: There was a particularly noisy batch on Saturday, there were cats scattering at high speed all down the road, obviously terrified out of their wits :eek:
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Poor wee Bloggs has been beside himself all weekend - getting him to go out for his last wee at night has been a mission in itself (even though I left it a good hour after the last bang went off!)

It doesn't help that I'm scared of the blummin things myself - so I've sat on the sofa between my dogs, the last 3 nights, concentrating VERY HARD on not jumping and not over cuddling.

Digit, of course, is MUCH TOO GROWN UP to be bothered by silly whizzes and bangs and has done a sterling job of looking after the household :wub: