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im having trouble with my shoulder and elbow on my left side well i carnt believe today sat with my laptop and a cuppa my arm gave way and the cuppa as gone all over my laptop.

it went off straight away and my daughter as used a hair dryer on it for awhile,now ive turned the fire on and propted it up at the side of it.

does anyone else have any more advise to hopefully save my laptop. :(
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:eek: My OH says take the battery out!! Leave it for 24 hours to make sure its dry before recharging it. :unsure: but he doesnt know if this will save the laptop - its worth a try...

Oh God Trish, what a nightmare :(

Have you got accidental damage cover?
Pat, Paul says if the power went off straight away you've blown the main power unit and means it possibly knackered.

Let it dry out naturally (take it away from the fire) and take the battery out too and leave for a good 48 hours before trying to turn it on again.

Anything with milk in is a t$&t and thats what causes the damage.
:) This works

Get a towel and fold it up, put it over the radiator, and set ur lattop on top for a few hours, but make sure the towel it quite thick.

hope tht helps
hellybobs said:
Pat, Paul says if the power went off straight away you've blown the main power unit and means it possibly knackered.
Let it dry out naturally (take it away from the fire) and take the battery out too and leave for a good 48 hours before trying to turn it on again.

Anything with milk in is a t$&t and thats what causes the damage.

it wasnt connected to the mains when i was using it,but it did go off straight away.

ive taken the battery out and its in the conservatory now with the sun shining on it.

do know if its covered with the household insurance will have to check.

thanks for erveryones advise :thumbsup:
hows it going with the lap top Trish?
dont know ive been told to try it tomorrow,but if its broken we can claim on the insurance :sweating: thank goodness :thumbsup:

i blaim that physio of mine,with all the exercises shes given me on my arm i carnt bloody do much with it now :wacko: glad ive got something good to take my mind off it (oliver) :wub:
Oh god Trish what a nightmare - hope you soon have it sorted out. :luck: I had better put mine away now...Im opening some wine.... (w00t) I dont want to slip...
Try putting it in your airing cupboard over night :D .......It worked for mine last time :thumbsup: ......... Can't wait for Oliver photo's .....He's gorg :wub: :wub:
trish g said:
im having trouble with my shoulder and elbow on my left side well i carnt believe today sat with my laptop and a cuppa my arm gave way and the cuppa as gone all over my went off straight away and my daughter as used a hair dryer on it for awhile,now ive turned the fire on and propted it up at the side of it.

does anyone else have any more advise to hopefully save my laptop. :(

chuck the bugger in the bin Trish, im gonna win the lottery tonight, new one on me first thing monday morning :lol:


keith, well i can live in hope
midlanderkeith said:
trish g said:
im having trouble with my shoulder and elbow on my left side well i carnt believe today sat with my laptop and a cuppa my arm gave way and the cuppa as gone all over my went off straight away and my daughter as used a hair dryer on it for awhile,now ive turned the fire on and propted it up at the side of it.

does anyone else have any more advise to hopefully save my laptop. :(

chuck the bugger in the bin Trish, im gonna win the lottery tonight, new one on me first thing monday morning :lol:


keith, well i can live in hope

weve got our lotto numbers waiting too but even getting one number is so hard :wacko:

least i can claim off the insurance if its totalled :b

good luck on the lootery keith someone as to win :luck: :luck: :luck: :teehee:
Strike Whippets said:
Try putting it in your airing cupboard over night  :D   .......It worked for mine last time  :thumbsup:   ......... Can't wait for Oliver photo's .....He's gorg  :wub:   :wub:

will be taking loads tomorrow,so will get some photos on as soon as we get home from racing :thumbsup:
I once dropped the cordless phone in my bath (full and with bubbles (w00t) ), fished it out shook the water out left it dry. It still works, now, couple of years later. :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: with the lap top.
:rolleyes: I once accidentally filled my steam iron up with lemonade instead of water!! (dont ask) :- " totally knackered it!! It was awful...I couldnt do the ironing ;) :thumbsup:

Tina :D
Have you tried it Trish yet...? just wonderin ghow you got on with it. :)