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Help Please With The Issues Of A Rescued Jack Russell!!!&#


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Hi, we have recently adopted a 2 year old JRT from the RSPCA. He has spent most of his life so far until he ended up at the RSPCA locked in a garage and therefore has not been socialised at all. He is a lovely dog but has an issue with men. He didn't like my partner at first but loves him to bits now but if any men come to our house, like my brother for instance, he takes a stance and then barks and barks at him and has gone to nip him too. Also taking him for walks is a bit of nightmare because if we meet other dogs he squeaks, barks and just goes mad and people look at me like it is all my fault!! I so want to help him because I think it all stems from fear but if anybody can advise me I would be very grateful!! thank you
Hi, I'll try and get back to you tomorrow, am just off to bed. :)
Are you able to take him to training classes?, it might be a good idea for him to meet other dogs in a controlled environment where he can learn that other dogs can be friends. It would also be helpful for him to meet men, again in a controlled way.

Well done for taking him on, I'm sure things will get better but you will have to work at it, a good training class will give you the support you need.

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