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Help Please...poppy In Pain.


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About a month before Poppy had her first season(she was 10 months old),she would sometimes get up in the morning & obviously be in pain :( .

She would drop her front end & leave her bum in the air,& stretch & twist her body.This would go on for about 2-3 hours,& then she was back to normal.It never put her off her food,so wasn't related to a tummy upset,& once she came into season,this stopped.

I know it was pain in her uterus,& i would massage her belly & back legs & inner thighs,which she seemed to appreciate.

Trouble is,this has started again,so i'm assuming she will come into season soon.

I put a bioflow on her,which seems to help,but has anyone else got a bitch that does this,& has anyone got any advice/remedies.
Poor little girl, it sounds horrible. I have never heard of this before, but wonder if heat therapy (a wheat bag or covered hot water bottle) may help. I'm really not the best person to give advice as I have two boys but know from personal experience that heat has always relieved cramps :b
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I would try heat and massage. It works for me (not my 4 girls LOL). Hope she feels better soon. :huggles:
Sorry haven't got any advice just hope she's feeling better soon :huggles: :huggles:
No advice sorry but i would ring and ask to chat to your vet?

Give her lots of these from me and Kylie :huggles: :huggles:
Lily had a spell of stretching like that when she got up in the morning, I thought possibly she was a bit uncomfortable, didn't strike me that she was in real pain. It never occurred to me that it might be connected with coming in to season, she had her first one at 23 months. Will be interesting to see if it happens nexy time- whenever that is !!

No advise I'm afraid, hope she feels better soon.
Poor Poppy :( - no advice but hope shes feeling better. Dont you hate those girlie things. :b :b :wacko:
Maisie had one awful season between me taking her home and her being spayed - she was dead miserable, sore, puffy and huffy. If I wasn't planning to breed I'd just spay a bitch that had bad seasons, so eliminating the problem.

You could try raspberry leaf tablets - these are known to alleviate pain in humans with period pains (they work!) but make it a half dose and make sure these are not given to bitches in the early stages of pregnancy.

I recommend them to all my female friends!
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Is this comen in bitch's having a season :( . Im soon to be a new first time mum (well almost 20yrs since last bitch) :blink: ,,I dont wany to spey as would like to breed when she very much older (w00t)
She had raspberry leaf tablets when she had her last season,but they didn't agree with her.

she's been bombing around like an idiot all day,making up for the lost couple of hours this morning :thumbsup:
Best give her lots os sympathy first thing in the morning then Debs .. Does sound like `peroid `pains ( I have a good memory :- " ) Hope Pops is feeling better soon :luck: Love fro Auntie Jackie and her friends Mikkee , Mayzee and Libbee :huggles:
Hope Poppy feels better soon :huggles:

Oh pooe Pops! :( :huggles: :huggles: Chocolate works for me but she can't have that! :- " Would arnica help something like this? :thumbsup:
Clary sage works for me - but Im not sure if it can be used on dogs. Debbie do you know???
oliverpliers said:
Oh pooe Pops! :(   :huggles:   :huggles: Chocolate works for me but she can't have that! :- " Would arnica help something like this? :thumbsup:
poor thing, just wanted to add that the above quote mirrors what I would do too, shame they're not allowed chocolate - perhaps that's why they have such good figures? :- "