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Help New Lurcher Owner!


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I am a new member and a new lurcher (we think) owner!

In April last year we adopted a beautiful boy from our local animal shelter. On all of his paperwork he is described as a greyhound. We have no history except that he was picked up as a stray after an RTA.

Although he is bigger than what we thought we wanted, we fell in love with him immediately and he is a lovely companion to our german shepherd cross Max.

At a local event held by the Greyhound West of England in the summer I met some wonderful people who informed me that he was a lurcher. Probably with a collie mix. He makes us laugh every day and does not conform at all to what we have read are typical greyhound characteristics except for being lazy in the house. The day we brought him home I put him in the garden whilst I popped to the garage and he immediately jumped a 6 foot garden fence to see what I was doing. He is now totally settled and attached to us so he doesn't do it anymore, thank goodness!

There is nothing calm or alouf about our Sonny and he is hillarious. We are not sure of this age but he behaves like a young dog, chewing, playbiting etc. He had absolutely no training when we had him and we have taught him the basics which he picked up very quickly. The problem we have is that when we walk him he runs off to see other dogs and we cannot stop him from going as he spots them long before we do! He always comes back and generally doesn't like to stray far from us. He runs at other dogs at full pelt and often knocks them over, but he only wants to play. He also wants to make friends with all humans too. He jumps up at dog walkers, joggers, cyclists anyone really. This has become a problem as he can frighten them and as responsible dog owners we have now taken to walking him on the lead in public areas or in deserted farmers fields. We feel so sorry for him as he is such a friendly dog.

I guess the question I want to ask after chapter and verse is do you think dog training classes would be beneficial or maybe agility to help him learn some manners or are we wasting our time because a lot of what we have read suggests this is the case.

Sorry this is such a long message but we are so proud of him and really want to sort it out.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I have attached some pics for you to see if you think he a lurcher collie mix

Hope to hear from you soon

This is Sonny the day we brought him home


Some more pics of Sonny now (much better condition)





And this is our other dog Max

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(w00t) great looking dogs.has he got tatoos in any of his ears .what weight is he.he looks to me very one of my friends trains them and he has got one now that looks very much like sunny and as far as training goes,its a very good idea. :thumbsup:
hi sarah and welcome to k9 :D

i definitely think some proper training could help,maybe your local vet could put you onto a reputable trainer,i took our very headstrong staffie for training many moons ago and was told youve got to make yourself seem more interesting than whats taking their attention :sweating: this basically meant running away from them shouting and squealing their name and maybe making yourself look a bit of a wally into the bargain :> if it works who cares.lovely looking dog by the way. :thumbsup: juliex
Hello Sarah, Welcome to K9 :) Your Sonny boy is gorgeous :wub: I also have a lurcher named Sonny :thumbsup: he can be a pain the arse sometimes :lol: but i wouldn't be without him :)) looking at the pics of him imo i can't really see any collie in him apart from the colouring maybe, to me his breeding looks more whippet/greyhound. Best of :luck: with him sarah. Clare
Hello Sarah.

Welcome to k9, he's a very handsome chap, can't see any collie myself, he looks as the others have said greyhound or even x whippet, but it doesn't matter he has a forever home

I would suggest your take him to training lessons, but a good one your vet could recomend, or one to one traning as they could go out with you and help and advise on the spot, but they are not cheap.

Good luck with sonny,
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The window pcture is really hilarious !

I am a new member and a new lurcher (we think) owner!

In April last year we adopted a beautiful boy from our local animal shelter. On all of his paperwork he is described as a greyhound. We have no history except that he was picked up as a stray after an RTA.

Although he is bigger than what we thought we wanted, we fell in love with him immediately and he is a lovely companion to our german shepherd cross Max.

At a local event held by the Greyhound West of England in the summer I met some wonderful people who informed me that he was a lurcher. Probably with a collie mix. He makes us laugh every day and does not conform at all to what we have read are typical greyhound characteristics except for being lazy in the house. The day we brought him home I put him in the garden whilst I popped to the garage and he immediately jumped a 6 foot garden fence to see what I was doing. He is now totally settled and attached to us so he doesn't do it anymore, thank goodness!

There is nothing calm or alouf about our Sonny and he is hillarious. We are not sure of this age but he behaves like a young dog, chewing, playbiting etc. He had absolutely no training when we had him and we have taught him the basics which he picked up very quickly. The problem we have is that when we walk him he runs off to see other dogs and we cannot stop him from going as he spots them long before we do! He always comes back and generally doesn't like to stray far from us. He runs at other dogs at full pelt and often knocks them over, but he only wants to play. He also wants to make friends with all humans too. He jumps up at dog walkers, joggers, cyclists anyone really. This has become a problem as he can frighten them and as responsible dog owners we have now taken to walking him on the lead in public areas or in deserted farmers fields. We feel so sorry for him as he is such a friendly dog.

I guess the question I want to ask after chapter and verse is do you think dog training classes would be beneficial or maybe agility to help him learn some manners or are we wasting our time because a lot of what we have read suggests this is the case.

Sorry this is such a long message but we are so proud of him and really want to sort it out.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I have attached some pics for you to see if you think he a lurcher collie mix

Hope to hear from you soon

This is Sonny the day we brought him home


Some more pics of Sonny now (much better condition)





And this is our other dog Max

Dear all,

Thank you for your replies I think you are right with the collie mix question. I think I'll def look into the training classes!

He doesn't have any tattoos and I don't have any scales so I can't weigh him. He is a little bigger than he was when he got him but is still very thin and next to other greyhounds its quite obvious. Any ideas? We feed him a large portion of good quality dried food once a day if we do it twice daily he poops a lot more and has accidents in the house despite being walked regularly each day. Can't get him to put on any weight. Visits to the vet show he is very healthy but he does tend to throw up randomly. Can any of you experts tell me if this is typical?

He also has pink pads on his feet which tend to cut easily. Are they less hardy than black ones?

Since adopting him I am completly in love with the breed and all their funny querks! wish I could adopt more. I'll keep doing the lottery!

We live in Gloucestershire, are there any other members who do too?

Thanks for your help

Sarah x
Hi Sarah2

Welcome to K9

We have a non ped/lurcher club running at Worcester.

They other nearest club to Gloucester is Cullompton in Devon (depending on which part of Gloucestershire u live) other clubs around your area are pedi clubs. though racing does take place at Wickwar and is normally advertised on K9.

Your always welcome to come and give Sonny a run at Worcester. :thumbsup:
Hi Sarah :thumbsup:

Sonny looks lovely :wub: . Whereabouts in Gloucestershire are you ? I am from there originally but now live in Worcestershire. I take my dogs to Worcester Club and get loads of help from Amanda and her gang. Maybe see you there one day ? :thumbsup:
Hi Sarah2
Welcome to K9

We have a non ped/lurcher club running at Worcester.

They other nearest club to Gloucester is Cullompton in Devon (depending on which part of Gloucestershire u live) other clubs around your area are pedi clubs. though racing does take place at Wickwar and is normally advertised on K9.

Your always welcome to come and give Sonny a run at Worcester. :thumbsup:
Hi Amanda,

My parents and family are Worcs born and bred and I studied in Worcs last year. Would love to come and meet and give Sonny a run with people who aren't intimidated by him! Not too many lurcher/greyhound fans where we live. Small dog owners tend to pick their dogs up when they see us coming!

How do we go about it?


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Sonny is LOVELY! And I really like that pic of him and Max up at the window. They look great dogs.

Re weighing, when you next take him to the vets they should have walk-on scales that you can check his weight on. They'll probably do that anyway periodically for calculating meds etc.

Good luck with him. Looking forward to hearing about his progress!

Sonny is LOVELY! And I really like that pic of him and Max up at the window. They look great dogs.

Re weighing, when you next take him to the vets they should have walk-on scales that you can check his weight on. They'll probably do that anyway periodically for calculating meds etc.

Good luck with him. Looking forward to hearing about his progress!

Sonny is LOVELY! And I really like that pic of him and Max up at the window. They look great dogs.

Re weighing, when you next take him to the vets they should have walk-on scales that you can check his weight on. They'll probably do that anyway periodically for calculating meds etc.

Good luck with him. Looking forward to hearing about his progress!

Sonny is LOVELY! And I really like that pic of him and Max up at the window. They look great dogs.

Re weighing, when you next take him to the vets they should have walk-on scales that you can check his weight on. They'll probably do that anyway periodically for calculating meds etc.

Good luck with him. Looking forward to hearing about his progress!

By looking at those pics i would say greyhound x whippet is more likely to me he seesm to have more of a whippet head than greyhound and definatley not collie.

But i am not a lurcher expert but i know whippets :) he is a gorgeous dog though such a lovely face .

Myself i have a lurcher boy called flash who is 7 months old he is a saluki x whippet and adorable and very naughty :p
:) Welcome to k9, It doesn't really matter what he is, he's lovely. :thumbsup: Di
Dear all,
Thank you for your replies I think you are right with the collie mix question. I think I'll def look into the training classes!

He doesn't have any tattoos and I don't have any scales so I can't weigh him. He is a little bigger than he was when he got him but is still very thin and next to other greyhounds its quite obvious. Any ideas? We feed him a large portion of good quality dried food once a day if we do it twice daily he poops a lot more and has accidents in the house despite being walked regularly each day. Can't get him to put on any weight. Visits to the vet show he is very healthy but he does tend to throw up randomly. Can any of you experts tell me if this is typical?

He also has pink pads on his feet which tend to cut easily. Are they less hardy than black ones?

Since adopting him I am completly in love with the breed and all their funny querks! wish I could adopt more. I'll keep doing the lottery!

We live in Gloucestershire, are there any other members who do too?

Get the owd lad to class,s keep him on the lead around other dogs. And if you are bothered about his feet road walk him harden em up a bit.Good Luck The Owd Mule

Sarah x