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This weekend i went to a friends house in durham and next door to her owns a whippet and a lurcher. Naturally curious i went to have a look at them in their pen. To my eyes both of the dogs looked under fed, ribs and vertebra were fully on display and the haunches on the whippet were clearly visable and above the vertebra and also his claws were starting to grow under. I didnt get too good a look at the lurcher. I also noticed that these dogs were unattended for most of the day and were not once walked.

My problem is, is im not certain if im overreacting and i dont want to make trouble for my mate as she has to live next to him. So how do i approach this in the most tactful way possible
well you could ring the rspca and ask them to make a visit.the person wouldnt know it was you or anything to do with their neighbour.the rspca dont release that kind of info.they might not be able to do anyhting if the dogs arent being mistreated but at least the person who owns them will know that someone is keeping an eye on them :thumbsup:
Yes I agree with Kris - that way the RSPCA will take over if anything is wrong - and probably wont mention who has reported it to them - Good Luck. :luck: sounds like they need reporting.
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Yes I think tomorrow I will do that. After coming home from holiday and checking my two the more im convinced that these two were well undernourished. Thanks and if i hear anything il keep you posted as to the health of these two
A better bet may be your local Dog Warden who are more likely to follow your call up and they will sit down with the owner and give advice about feeding/nail trimming. Once they are aware of these owners they will also follow up their call of their own accord. RSPCA .............. waste of space unless you call a camera crew at the same time.
Hope it all works out Kerry whatever you decide to do :luck:
Call either the local dog warden or the RSPCA, as its both dogs and nails as well it does sound like neglect.

A word of caution though my whippet in his last year was painfully thin you could see his whole skeleton but it was due to kidney failure and there was nothing we or the vet could do we tried steriod injections and all the recommended treatments. It is very hurtful when you love an animal for people to accuse you of starving it without understanding the facts.