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Help My Heart Is Broken

janet yates

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Can anyone help i am heartbroken because i had to have my special blue boy whippet x Iggi Milo PTS on 28th October,he was only 4 and the most fantastic dog i have ever owned.He was first diagnosed two years ago with a kidney problem and was told he would only live a couple of months.He proved all the vets wrong and had a great life for another two years with the help of medication and diet.It was only three weeks ago he became sick ,up to this he was running on the beach with his ball and playing ,just having the time of his life and then plenty of love from his Mum , Dad and his best friend Ruby our German Spitz.

I have been looking for another whippet or whippet x to love because i miss him so much and the house is not the same without him. I feel guilty for looking but just want to give another little character as much love as Milo. I have lost dogs before but never have i felt so much grief as i do now and i can,t explain why .

I live in Manchester and if anyone knows of a local breeder could you please email me with details and i have also been in touch with Scruples and dog rescue sites. I read on this site that lots of you have lost your boys and girls and i want to know when does it stop hurting ?
Oh no, I'm so sorry....I'm not sure that losing the really special ones ever stops hurting, certainly not whilst so young

Run free Milo xxx
Rescue centres and council pounds are full of dogs in desperate need of another chance - you sound like you have what it takes to give one a good life - go have a look - you'll find each other :luck:
Bereavement is a personal thing. When the heartbreak stops is varied, not that it matters, what's important is that you accept the grieving process. Denial tends to drag things out and build them up beyond belief. Posting here is a positive step because talking about it to others and knowing others have gone through similar sort of reassures you that you will, in time recover.

I've lost a lot of dogs over my life. From precious little new borns who've faded away, sudden shocking deaths of dogs in their prime and the old dog who've lived to a grand old age.

It never gets easier and if it ever does you should stop having dogs.

I'll end with what I've said countless time to others. You must not dwindle on the why's, the should've, could've etc. What you should remind yourself is that you gave him a lifetime of happiness and care and when the time came to admit defeat for the sake of Milo, you did so and did it with a gracious and unselfish heart.
Oh no, I'm so sorry....I'm not sure that losing the really special ones ever stops hurting, certainly not whilst so young
Run free Milo xxx
Sorry to hear about Milo.

The pain grows less with time but I agree with Clair / Meddling the special ones never stop hurting.
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Firstly Im so sorry for your loss, my heart goes out to you, it is not an easy time. :(

I first found this site when I lost my beloved whippet Chip in 2004, I went around 8 months without a dog at all

then when I felt personally the time was right, I decided to have another whippet.....I now have four of them.

Give youself time to grieve...a dog is one of the family, and we are all individuals so no rules as to how you will feel and when.

I hope it gets easier for you and you are able to decide wether you would like another little friend to join your family..Good luck x
Firstly Im so sorry for your loss, my heart goes out to you, it is not an easy time. :(

I first found this site when I lost my beloved whippet Chip in 2004, I went around 8 months without a dog at all

then when I felt personally the time was right, I decided to have another whippet.....I now have four of them.

Give youself time to grieve...a dog is one of the family, and we are all individuals so no rules as to how you will feel and when.

I hope it gets easier for you and you are able to decide wether you would like another little friend to join your family..Good luck x
Thank you for the kind words and advice it helps to know that you understand how i am feeling . I am sure when the time is right Milo will send me a little friend for Ruby in the form of a puppy or rescue because he knows how much we hurt. I will keep you posted of any developments . Janet.
:( so sorry Janet, the hurt never stops im afraid, you just learn to live with it ((((((((hugs to you))))))))) R.I.P MILO xx
Losing a dog hurts at any age but I think it hurts especially hard when you loose one so young. As Nicky12 said in her post it never stops hurting you just learn to deal with it. After losing one of my whippets at just short of his 5th birthday I was unable to walk down the canal for nearly a year afterwards as it was his favourite haunt and I could see him walking beside me. Nothing has changed there I still see him but I can cope with that now and remember the good times.

Sorry for your loss I am sure with time it will hurt less xx
I am so sorry you have lost one so young .

My first whippet died almost twenty years ago aged two .

I have had quite a few whippets since then and currently have 3 but I still have days where it is difficult to cope with the loss of Sky .

All I can say is the bad days lessen and there are more good days as time goes on . xxx
janet, so sorry to hear about Milo, I know how much he meant to you from the emails when he was first poorly. You did a fantastic job in keeping him well for so long , although his life was shorter than some, he was so loved and that means everything. Best wishes Jan xx
Hi so sorry to hear about your loss. I know exactly how you feel and I am in the same position as you having lost my whippet Leo on the 21st October to a very nasty sarcoma. He was not even two and was the most amazing whippet I have ever had. I am sure that reading peoples kind comments on this forum as I did on another whippet forum will set you off crying as it does me, but all you can do is remember your happy times together and the love he brought you. I am in the same position and am looking for another whippet puppy who will never replace my beautiful boy but will help to heal the pain and fill the huge hole he has left in my life. My thoughts are with you.

Run free Milo
So sorry Janet for your lossl both me and my husband lost our whippet border terrier who was 18 and we were devestated it took us 10 years to get another dog the hurt never goes away it just gets easier with time but you will never forget Milo as we have never forgot Carrie then we got our Coisty started racing and now we have 7 sending lots of gentle huggs to you and your family take care and your special boy or girl will find you

I am so sorry to hear of your loss and at such a young age. All the posts here are so right, the hurt never really goes, you just learn to live with it and hope it lessens with time. Having said that, we lost our three year old rescue two years ago next week and reading your post and the replies, brings it all back and I just sit and cry. I have only just been able to start sorting out her photograph album and some days I still can't do it so I just close it and walk away. Having another dog isn't replacing the one you've lost - that's impossible, it's giving another dog the chance of a happy home being loved and cared for and, let's face it, every single dog deserves that. Good luck.
Hi ,you are all so kind and as i read all your comments i know i am not alone and my thoughts go out to Littleman as who is also feeling this new grief and i hope you find another best friend soon. I would also like to thank Jan who i spoke to when Milo first became ill,it was nice that you remembered him and your advice helped us so much and for that i am very grateful.

I find myself addicted to the computer at the moment ,as soon as i get home i am looking on the net for breeders and rescue sites and i can,t stop looking in case i miss the right one.I think it is just something to fill my time and stay occupied, i feel so desperate to find something to love .

So very sorry to hear about Milo . R I P little man

As the others have said , we never forget any of our beloved dogs , and the pain is always there in our hearts , But Milo Im sure would have wanted a new friend and playmate for Ruby.

My Special girl Mayzee was 16 when I lost her but in all my memories of her she is still a pup at heart . and she often walks on the racecourse with me and the gang , most of who are related to her

Nothing of any use to say really, just very sorry for your loss :( Run free Milo o:) Hugs xx