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Help my dog jumping the lead when walk him


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my American Bulldog Zeus hes a wonderful boy and we all love him dearly but for some annoying reason when i walk him he sometimes jumps the lead on me and runs away with it.hes so strong theres no stopping him,which is semi ok if were over the fields but anywhere else and it can be dangerous.

Its getting to the stage wher eim not looking forward to walking him anymore and was even thinking of getting a muzzle to walk him with on the idea that he wont then be able to jump the lead

When my son walks him he never does this just to me as i think he sees him as the pack leader and me not sure what he thinks i do!!

any advice gratefully received


Firstly dogs do not look on humans as Pack Leaders. This is an outdated view that has now been disproved. They look on us as part of their family.

Dogs do have a pecking order among themselves but it does not cross species to humans. If you want to know more then read "Dominance. Fact of Fiction" by Barry Eaton.

With an unwanted behaviour, like jumping up it is best to teach something that is incompatible with it. Sit is an obvious one. If he is sitting on his bottom he cannot jump up.

This of course would make walks very slow so I would do a few sits, reward him quickly when he sits, and then walk a pace or two. If his feet stay on the ground then quickly reward him with a treat. Timing is everything! He must get the treat for keeping his feet on the floor for a step or two. If he jumps up get him to sit again. Hold the treat on his nose for a second or two so that he does not think he gets it for jumping and then sitting. Gradually get him to sit for five seconds for the treat.

Ask him to walk a pace or two to get another treat. Then two or three paces, then three or four. Help him to succeed and he will soon be walking along looking for treats!
yes all sounds good and would try that but hes on a diet that dsnt allow treats and on a certain food daily as crystals in his pee which can lead to kidney stones
Just use some of his food allowance then. My dog 'earns' at least half of his daily food.