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Help - My Dog has Kennell Cough


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toots my bull x greyhound has got kennel cough the bitch had a vaccination(nobivac kc) kennel cough vacccin

on aug 20 2005 as soon as she came into my kennels.

prevention better than cure so i thought. all my dogs get it as soon i buy them

it is a trip straight to the vet.on the 1 march took toots to the vet was told she had

a virus and given course of antibiotics took dog back 1 week later given more

antibiotics 1week later told to let it run it's course2 weeks on no better :rant:

took the dog to see greyhound trainer and told it is kennel cough.

none of my other dogs have it so far toots has been kenneld with scout for 3months scout had vaccination on jan06 can anyone help with any tips or advice
sorry no advice just say that nobivac kc vacc only lasts 6 months.
maggymills said:
sorry no advice just say that nobivac kc vacc only lasts 6 months.
...just to say maggy that when i had the 3 of mine vaccinated on monday against kennel cough (cos i know that it lasts 6 months too so i usually always do it now so it lasts april to september time) the vet actually told me that it now lasts for a full 12 months so they must have changed it recently :thumbsup:
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To be honest there are so many different strains of kennel cough that IMO its pointless vaccinating against 1 strain :- " .......At the end of the day in most cases a dose of kennel cough never hurts, and it'll help build up anti bodies as really its just like us having a cold .......just my personal opinion though :- " :thumbsup: ........Hope Toots feels better soon :)
foxy said:
toots my bull x greyhound has got kennel cough the bitch had a vaccination(nobivac kc) kennel cough vacccinon aug 20 2005 as soon as she came into my kennels.

prevention better than cure so i thought. all my dogs get it as soon i buy them

it is a trip straight to the vet.on the 1 march took toots to the vet was told she had

a virus and given course of antibiotics took dog back 1 week later given more

antibiotics 1week later told to let it run it's course2 weeks on no better :rant:

took the dog to see greyhound trainer and told it is kennel cough.

none of my other dogs have it so far toots has been kenneld with scout for 3months scout had vaccination on jan06 can anyone help with any tips or advice

Kennel cough can be caused by both bacteria and viruses. There are two possibilites here - either it's been a really nasty virus and is taking some time to clear, OR it's not kennel cough.

If it's got no better in the 2 weeks past then I'd go back to the vet - it's impossible to say what could be causing this , but it's becoming chronic so would benefit from further investigation. :luck:
Forgot to add .....Benolyn cough mix helps sooth them no end when they are coughing :thumbsup:
~whitecross whippets~ said:
maggymills said:
sorry no advice just say that nobivac kc vacc only lasts 6 months.
...just to say maggy that when i had the 3 of mine vaccinated on monday against kennel cough (cos i know that it lasts 6 months too so i usually always do it now so it lasts april to september time) the vet actually told me that it now lasts for a full 12 months so they must have changed it recently :thumbsup:

Mine said the same to me. My friends wire-haired dax got kennel cough at a show despite being vaccinated (vet said it was kennel cough anyway - and said about there being different strains and that this was possible)
jok said:
Mine said the same to me.  My friends wire-haired dax got kennel cough at a show despite being vaccinated (vet said it was kennel cough anyway - and said about there being different strains and that this was possible)
No vaccine is 100% sadly, but particularly not the KC vaccine! This is for a couple of reasons - partly because the immunity is very basic, partly because the strains do mutate frequently.

However, anyone who's had a dog or multiple dogs (even worse!) with this problem will know how miserable it is for them, particularly the more severe cases which can really get them down quite badly. Old or young dogs, or those with ongoing health problems, really benefit for the protection of the vaccination - nobody says it's a miracle vacc, but it does limit the severity of the illness even in cases which it doesn't fully prevent.

This doesn't help the OP much, unfortunately, sorry! :(
Several years ago I sent 6 dogs to boarding kennels 3 vaccinate against kennel cough 3 not although coming home from kennels fine a couple of months later the vaccinated 3 started coughing . A quick trip to the vets confirmed kennel cough the other 3 never had it at all .The vet said there was so many different strains of kennel cough you could not protect 100% against it bit like us having the flu jab

After a couple of days they stopped coughing and you'd have not thought there was anything wrong with them
I have both heard of this problem and experienced it once myself.

The solution was nothing to do with cough treatments but Panacur treatment for heart worms. Vets will tell you heart worm is unlikely as it is very rare.

But I experienced reacurring coughing in my dog following a bout of Kennel cough. It was worse after the dog had been sleeping and got excited when greeting us on returning home. We gave the Panacur a go, needs to be given for about 7 days on the trot, it worked cough gone.

Several visits to vet and antibiotics did not work
Strike Whippets said:
To be honest there are so many different strains of kennel cough that IMO its pointless vaccinating against 1 strain  :- "  .......At the end of the day in most cases a dose of kennel cough never hurts, and it'll help build up anti bodies as really its just like us having a cold .......just my personal opinion though  :- "  :thumbsup:   ........Hope Toots feels better soon  :)
Mine were vaccinated in July and both got kennel cough in November. The vet said it's like flu - many strains and only protects against one type.

As other people have said - children's benelyn works wonders! :)
I would like to thank everyone for thair replys :thumbsup: on thursday took scout

for a gallop up the park after aprox 10 min of running about he started snorting

& whezing another dog down :rant: both dogs given penicilen&benylin .

so it's atrip back to the vets in the morning with both dogs will make a serious

enquiry about panacur thanks again to all who replyed :D
just back fa the vets with 2 bottel of panacur to give 25ml each dog for 7 days :x

just hope it works . will keep you posted
back to the vet yesterday given yet another course of antibiotics & yet another bill

for £68 pound change of vet this time :( post a pick of scout will post another

when i get him fit

hi all both dogs on the mend no coughing for 2 days :D

??? when can the dogs come out of quarantine - free running -out with other dogs??


Don't think I have posted on here before, I don't normally have anything "useful" to say. But here goes.

I foster for a rescue. My two dogs (Whippet and yorkie) are routinely vax'd (inc KC). To say I was upset and confused when I had a litter of pups in that were KC vax'd and Harry Whippet still caught it was an understatement.

It has been a big learning curve, as I rushed Harry to the vets, complaining bitterly that the vax hadn't worked.

As stated in other replies, there are so many strains of Kennel Cough, one vaccine just doesn't cover it.

Here comes my useful bit.

We now give Benylin but we get Vit C and Immune Plus from a homeopathic vet and it works fantastically well.

Hope this helps.
