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Help, I Can't Get Out!!


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:lol: My OH is always leaving the door to the downstairs toilet open and Muffin, being Muffin can't resist going in. o:) Trouble is, he doesn't seem to know how to get out :oops: You would think with the size of the gap he could easily nose it open but no, he yells and yells, and I yell and yell at him to be quiet until it sinks in that he's 'in there' again! :- " Then I have to go and rescue him. Knowing whippets, he's quite likely to be having a great game with me! :devil: I've lost count of the times I've had to go and let him out! :rant: View attachment 24875
Fred's hopeless at opening doors too. Unless he can squeeze through without touching the sides, he won't attempt to try and nudge or push a door to get through.

I remember the first time ours encountered a door as a puppy, he remembered that the sometimes opened when you jumped against them and tried this as his default strategy :wacko: (well, it's the right thing to do half of the time).

One day I noticed him watching the cat pull a door open towards her, stepping backwards as she did it; he copied her straight when he wanted to go out. He hasn't had a problem with doors since (even ones that are seemingly shut tight :- " ).
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moriarte said:

One day I noticed him watching the cat pull a door open towards her, stepping backwards as she did it; he copied her straight when he wanted to go out. He hasn't had a problem with doors since (even ones that are seemingly shut tight :- "  ).

That's very clever!! Can he come and teach Muffin? :- " :teehee:
Believe me, it's handier if they can't :wacko: :lol:

As a kitten our siamese used to open the kitchen door by jumping on the coats (being slobs we used to just leave them on the hook), and sliding down until she reached the handle, which would then open by as she stood on it (lever sort). I'm just glad he never saw he doing this, there'd be no holding him :lol:

We haven't solved the mystery of how to get past the cat on the stairs though, we have hours of wooing and whining until someone goes to rescue him. :b
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moriarte said:
We haven't solved the mystery of how to get past the cat on the stairs though, we have hours of wooing and whining until someone goes to rescue him.  :b
:lol: We have a cat who does exactly the same. She sits on the stairs washing herself as though she's completely oblivious to everything around her. :- " We all know that she is perfectly aware of Muffin standing at the top of the stairs trying to get down! :p

Here's a picture of her to make a change from whippets! ;) This is Katie and she's now 17 years old. She is the boss!

Congratulations to her getting to such a fabulous age!

Lovely, I used to have a tabby like that. He adopted me when I was at college (I was given no choice in the matter, he was a real thug and would just hurl himself at the door until you let him in), and lived there with me in my room. He was the grand master of the obstructing the stairs/corridors game, no one could get past safely, and he soon became unaffectionately known as The Psychocat. When I finally took him home to Wales, he lived upstairs and only ventured downstairs regularly after our dog died (although she was petrified of him). :wacko: Cat's are ALWAYS the boss!


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Had to laugh about the toilet tale :lol: :lol: he dosnt drink out of it while he is in there does he - because Kobi does (w00t) Lovely cat pics everyone. :wub: :thumbsup:
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Janimal said:
Had to laugh about the toilet tale :lol:   :lol:   he dosnt drink out of it while he is in there does he - because Kobi does  (w00t)
I don't think he drinks water already in the toilet but if he knows I'm about to flush it he is there like a shot so that he can drink the water as it flushes down - at least that's clean! :p

Love your cat pictures Moriarte :wub:
:lol: all sounds familiar :lol: our cat used to sit in the middle of the hall and wouldn't let mine out when it was time for their walk, they could see the front door but could do nothing to get to it, if they had just used their noodles and ganged up on her she would have backed off, trouble is no one was brave enough to take the chance :D

we also have trouble with the doors into the kitchen they are swing shut ones, the dogs can get in no problem but lack the motivation to leave (w00t)
I think it is quite difficult for dogs to use their paws like hands - cats claws do hook round things more easily. That said, I think whippets DO use their paws more than other dogs - ours will hold things like yoghourt pots or other tricky edibles in his paws quite delicately. He will also take the pips out when he eats an apple core.
My old girl Mayzee can use either paw to open doors , left or right she makes her way in ( or out ) As for opening doors Ive got Buffee, Mikkee and Woody who can open every door in the house ,and Harvee is llearning how to do it now (w00t) thats why we have a baby gate at the top of the stairs :- " Even that gets jumped over by Montee when he thinks Im hiding a `girl ` from him :oops: :lol: l

BTW love the pics of your pussies :oops: :lol:
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I have to lock every door. Oskar opens anything, also the outdoor gate and indoor puppy gate :eek: He uses his paws, he lifts with his mouth, pushes with his head and neck etc. It is actually pretty amazing what he can figure out, but it would be easier if he wouldn't... He is able to jump but he never does he seems to prefer entering and exiting like us humans!
Rafferty our bedlington watches the cats and then does what they do, window ledge, up trees, shed roof etc. One day in summer I came home from work and there was no sign of him in the house. Panic stations for about 30 seconds till I opened the back door and there he was in the garden. I thought I'd had a brainstorm & accidentally shut him out earlier but my next door neighbour said that Raffy had squeezed through the cat flap. He'd put both front legs through, then wriggled his shoulders through & then the rest just popped out. Neighbour tried to get him back in but no luck. Frank put a bowl of water out for him & fed him choccy biscuits till I got home. Didn't have the heart to tell him when Raffy had the sqits for 2 days after. :b