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Help For Pups With Demodex

karen d

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has anyone out there has pups with demodex? i took on a husky bitch that was heavy in pup that the owner did not want anymore. the pups were born fine but at about 4-5 weeks they began to lose hair from their faces, i took them to the vet and demodex was diagosed. the mother looked like a moth-eaten rug, but i put this down to lack of care but the vet informed me that she has demodex. it is only transmitted from bitch to pups it is not infectious to either people or other dogs[thankfully] i have treated them twice so far with aludex, but on some of them it still looks the same to me. the reason they get it is because of a lacking in their immune system, good diet is supposed to help. i feed on butchers mince and good quality mixer, the bitches hair is growing back nicely and she has put on a load of weight. it is mainly just two of the pups that look more like a shar-pai than a husky [only in their face]. so if any one out there has had this to deal with i would be grateful for their advice/help.
karen d said:
has anyone out there has pups with demodex? i took on a husky bitch that was heavy in pup that the owner did not want anymore. the pups were born fine but at about 4-5 weeks they began to lose hair from their faces, i took them to the vet and demodex was diagosed. the mother looked like a moth-eaten rug, but i put this down to lack of care but the vet informed me that she has demodex. it is only transmitted from bitch to pups it is not infectious to either people or other dogs[thankfully] i have treated them twice so far with aludex, but on some of them it still looks the same to me. the reason they get it is because of a lacking in their immune system, good diet is supposed to help. i feed on butchers mince and good quality mixer, the bitches hair is growing back nicely and she has put on a load of weight. it is mainly just two of the pups that look more like a shar-pai than a husky [only in their face]. so if any one out there has had this to deal with i would be grateful for their advice/help.
Try IMAVEROL - available from online vetpharmacy without prescription. :)
3Poodles said:
Try IMAVEROL - available from online vetpharmacy without prescription. :)
Eek! - Imaverol's for ringworm - totally different disease!

Karen - you have my sympathy, because this is an awful, horrible disease which can be extremely difficult to clear up.

How often have you been using the Aludex? I know it's really nasty stuff but do make sure you're following the directions to the letter and timing the application. It's not easy bathing puppies at the best of times, but if you stick closely to the directions you will get the best results.

I wouldn't change their diet suddenly, but would recommend using a complete and good-quality puppy food instead of mixer. This is balanced and will provide more nutrition than plain mince and mixer. They'll still be delighted with the mince too though! Evening primrose oil is good for improving the general health of the skin and coat, although I don't know how old the pups are now it shouldn't upset their tummies if you introduce it gradually.

If some of the pups aren't improving as well as the others, you should see the vet again. It's possible (and indeed likely) that they have secondary bacterial or yeast infection of their skin. They may need treatment with antibiotics for some time to clear this. Also consider shaving their coats completely. This allows better penetration of shampoos, quicker drying and more air to the skin, especially in dense coated breeds like the husky.

Is the vet doing skin scrapes to determine the progress of the condition? This is a good way of monitoring their progress and is the only way to confirm that they are clear of the disease. Even once they are clear, I would use a spot-on treatment like Advocate every 2-4 weeks to ensure they stay clear.

Good luck - I don't think anyone can grasp how rotten this condition is unless they've dealt with it first hand. :luck:
something to think about:

if you have pups with demodex, you know this means they have weak immune systems.

You can bathe them, put drops on them, dose them with everything under the sun - however, none of this will help their immune systems. You would essentially be treating pups who have weak immune systems with very powerful drugs...some might say toxins.

Most importantly you need to boost their immune system and give them whatever is also good for skin and healthy hair growth.

here are some things you can do which I have done for incoming dogs with both types of mange, and this combination works for me:

1) undiluted or barely diluted cider vinegar applied directly to the itchy areas every day, even several times a day at first, will help lessen the itching. Conintue accordingly asl the itching begins to lessen

2) a few teaspoons of cider vinegar in all their drinking water

3) give all the dogs a sponge bath in a solution that is half cider vinegar and half warm water - do not rinse it off - do this right away and maybe again in 2 days and again after that

NOTE: the cider vinegar changes the ph balance of the skin when applied externally and also affects it internally when put in water - it creates an inhospitable environment for the mange mites to exist in

4) skin and hair benefit from omega oils and Vitamin A - so give each pup about one sardine a day, which is rich in both - no more than one - every day for about a week, mixed into their food. Then do it every other day for about two more weeks. You are boosting their A-reserves and promoting healthy skin and hair

5) half a small clove of fresh garlic every other day for about a week - maybe just before they have a meal and put it in a bit of mince or chicken - then back it off to twice a week for several weeks

It costs hardly a thing to do this and I can only say it has worked quite well on the dogs I have had here. Their coats end up smelling very nice and getting very soft, too! Now sometimes I have had to use Advocate or some other treatment in conjunction with all this, but no matter, the combination for me has been very positive.

Good luck.
Dont know if this will help at all but many years ago i took in a Doberman bitch dumped on a travellers site when they moved off.

A week after taking her in she gave birth to 3 pups. All seemed fine till they were about 4-5 weeks old when i noticed there fur seemed very sparse from then on it got progressively worse, in a week they were near on bald!!

Took them all to the vet & Dermadectic mange was diagnosed.

We were given something called DERASECT mange wash & it was BRILLIANT. It stunk like hell of paraffin, you had to bathe them in it every 3-4 days to start off with & not allowed to try them just let them dry off naturally. Then down to once a week, then once every 2 weeks etc. Their coats grew back beautifully but we were told it could re-occur at any stage of their lives. We kept a little bitch plus the mum & did re-occur with the pup when she was about 3 years old but put her straight back on the treatment & it cleared up in a few weeks.


Good luck :luck:
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I always thought that most dog have demodectic mites living on them but their immune system keeps them under control. It is only when the immune system is not doing its job that the loss of hair occurs. :unsure:

I have recently come across site claiming that the best way to boost immunity in both dogs and humans is colostrum capsules Has anybody tried that?
Seraphina said:
I always thought that most dog have demodectic mites living on them but their immune system keeps them under control.  It is only when the immune system is not doing its job that the loss of hair occurs. :unsure: I have recently come across site claiming that the best way to boost immunity in both dogs and humans is colostrum capsules  Has anybody tried that?

Oooooh, that's interesting. I would doubt it would work myself (the gut is only able to absorb colostrum for about 6-8 hours following birth) but I didn't know you could get it in capsule form!

You're right in thinking that most dogs have demodex though - it's just that some dogs can't keep them at bay and they overwhelm the skin, horrid little things. Fortunately demodex itself isn't nearly as itchy as sarcoptes (fox mange), although if the affected area has some secondary infection dogs will still lick and chew incessantly.

I think the sardines and garlic suggestions make loads of sense. Not so sure about the vinegar (very drying for skin that is already seriously damaged) but always interesting to hear of things people have found useful. Unfortunately it's one of those conditions in which some patients really don't respond to treatment as well as you hope. :(
Some time last year I have seen a large poster for some dry food (for kittens?) claiming to have variety of ingredients, including colostrum (w00t) .

You can definitely buy it,;

Colostrum FM Capsules

Give your body's immunity system a boost with pure colostrum.

This supposed to be a link, :b bet it does not work, just google it.

I had one litter many years ago with demodectic mange. My vet at that time was an exentric wealthy lady, who only practiced as a hobby, for friends and people recomended by them. She was very excited to treat demodectic mange, because she had some concoction she came up with herself, the active ingredient was a nitro glycerin (w00t) . Or so she said, it was a very uncomfortable drive home :D . Will never know the truth, but it worked very well. :thumbsup:
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