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Help dog eating everything


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Hi I have a 6 month old Cockerpoo called Dave who is a beautiful dog. Whenever I leave the house he wrecks it. I also have two other dogs, so he is not lonely. I have tried a crate but he fights to get out to be with the other dogs, so this is abandoned (as he goes mental). He is very clean and obedient when I am home. I work from home so he is only left for about one hour when posting, shopping etc. I spray everything when I leave and they all have loads of chewies, toys etc. What do I do? I am at my witts end, this morning when left for 50 minutes he has eaten a seat on the leather sofa. Diane desperate.
:luck: *I would push on with the cage training slowly so that eventually he can go in the cage without escaping to be with the other dogs.

*Maybe confine him/all the dogs to the kitchen when you go out to limit the destruction area,

* have you tried a kong filled with frozen peanut butter or kong paste they last a long time for the dogs to chew on,

*Try walking the dog for a long time or playing with him in the garden for ages with a toy or ball to ensure he is content and tired before you leave him

*Try building up the time you leave them/him for, go out for 5 minutes then come back in, do this twice every day and after a few days build it up to ten minutes etc etc, Don't make a fuss of the dogs or say goodbye before you leave, just get up and leave the room as if you were going upstairs or to the loo so that they hopefully don't realise you have gone.

Don't know if these ideas will help you but that's the kinds of things I would try first off. Good Luck :flowers: