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Help!!! But Not If You're Squeamish


Warrior Queen
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Josie has been in season since last Wednesday, although there wasn't much blood until late Thursday early Friday.

She seems fine, if a bit subdued. Keeping herself scrupulously clean. But I've noticed in the last 15 mins that she smells. It's a kind of mushroomy smell, like when you leave mushrooms in the fridge for a bit too long and they go slimey but not quite "off".

Do I need to take her to the vet? Our vet is a five minute walk away, just round the corner, so I can be there very quickly :(
Helen you can tell that you are a writer as you are so good at explaining things and setting a vivid scene :D

I think Josie is fine but itf it would put your mind at rest it might be just as well to have her checked byt he Vet unless another K9er lives close to you and could have a look?
keeping an eye on this thread for my mum while she cooks my tea, thanks for the advice Rae! :thumbsup:
I think Josie sounds fine also.

Would it not be more worrying if it was a foul smell?
Hi Helen, Diva is now on day 14 of her season (her first) she was very whiffy to start with ......... well the first 10 days......... the odour is subsiding now even if the bleeding isn't.

I wouldn't worry to much. :thumbsup:
kirs said:
I think Josie sounds fine also.
Would it not be more worrying if it was a foul smell?

Although it's not totally foul, it isn't nice. There's a tinge of fish (sorry, sorry, sorry, I know it's tea-time :b :unsure: ).

I think I'm just over-worrying, aren't I?
Just off to smell callie be right back :lol:

Okay I can't smell anything other than you know dog smell, and don't recall sienna being whiffy, but that said I haven't being looking out for anything, is it something you couldn't miss helen or just now and then?
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Helen, do me a favour never write about me :sweating: dread to think what you would come up with lol o:)
Mark Roberts said:
Helen, do me a favour never write about me  :sweating:   dread to think what you would come up with lol  o:)

That definatley wouldn't be one to read at teatime :- "
is it something you couldn't miss helen or just now and then?
can't miss it. I could smell it from 3-4 feet away, although I must admit I did home-in for a double check :lol:

Sorry. I will put my writer-skills away. I think it helps (or hinders, depending on your view-point) that I was a midwife for eight years and you do get very tuned in to smells of this variety, and the myriad ways of describing them for those legal documents called the partogram and the post-natal notes :blink:

Right. I am going to stop worrying, all is fine. I don't need to take her to the vet's. Thanks for all the advice and a big "ta" to Mark for putting my mind at rest :cheers:
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I didnt notice any 'smells' from Buffy when she was in season, but then I was slightly distracted by the 'baboon' look !!!!!!
buffyrannoch said:
I didnt notice any 'smells' from Buffy when she was in season, but then I was slightly distracted by the 'baboon' look !!!!!!

Actually that could be it here also (w00t) and the fact that I am too busy mopping the floor and hosing the yard :lol:

And poor Spry had blood allover her WHITE head this morning :x I've told her to always lay at the pointy end (w00t)
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And poor Spry had blood allover her WHITE head this morning  I've told her to always lay at the pointy end
OMG :lol: LOL!!!! Poor Spry, although I bet she wasn't any the wiser :b
~Helen~ said:
And poor Spry had blood allover her WHITE head this morning  I've told her to always lay at the pointy end
OMG :lol: LOL!!!! Poor Spry, although I bet she wasn't any the wiser :b

No helen she didn't know until I was sponging her head :lol:
And poor Spry had blood allover her WHITE head this morning :x I've told her to always lay at the pointy end (w00t)

:x :x :x I'm so glad I have little boys :x :x :x
Tess is exceptionally smelly :x at 'that time' I wouldn't worry

I guess all the girls are different. I have never noticed such a strong odour. Watch for any unuasul discharge.

However, if you are going to mate you should have her swabbed ASSP.

It may be that yukky bad blood smell :x :x I wish someone would invent tampax for bitches :p