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Help Barking Puppy!!!


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:wacko: Im new to this and looking for advice, I have had my 10 wk old pup for 6 nights now and his constant barking is driving me crazy, Whenever I leave him in the room on his own or close the door of his crate he barks constantly, sometimes for as long as 20 mins. I only go to him and let him out when he has quietened down. I am at home all day and only crate him for approx 30 mins in the morning and an hour in the afternoon. He also spends the night in his crate in my bedroom with me. I am following all the advice I have read in books, I feed him in the crate, give toys, treats etc. How long will it take for him to realise barking will get him nowhere. Im worried if this continues it will become a habit for him as I read barking makes dogs feel good. Is this normal behaviour? should I continue doing what im doing or am I doing it all wrong? Help me please!!!!!

P.S He is the same when in his crate in the car (he has only been taken on short journeys so far)
Oops perhaps I should have put this in the faqs section, I really could do with some good advice im so worried im doing something wrong :(
sounds like your doing it all right :thumbsup:

If you read up in the FAQ sections some pups took a while and some were fine straight away....

Ignoring the behaviour is best and your doing well, :thumbsup:

Buy some ear plugs it wont last for ever

Oh and as for the driving thing, my whippet Tilly used to bark if we went over 60, i had my own speedcamera shes 15 months now and much better :huggles:
kim and tilly r right love, just keep at it. dogs aint stupid and ur pup will learn in the end as long as u r consistant with the training.

i would however go to ur neighbours and explain what u r doing as they might be getting fed up with it and a freindly word cant hurt.

i am going threw the same thing at the mo with my upstairs neighbours, they got a 18mth old jack russell male about 2 months ago and had never been left alone b4. its been tough going but he is getting better....good job i love jacks :))
Don't give in. You seem to be doing all the right things so keep it going and things will improve. Don't go to the crate and let him out when he's making a fuss, only when he's quiet. It took my Chloe over 3 weeks to be quiet at night (i thought she would never be quiet at night and my husband jokes that Dobe pup's are harder work than our son was! :lol: ) On the othe hand, my two Whippets, Frankie and Holly were both angels at night. o:)
your doing better than i did i lasted about 2weeks then gave in my whippet now sleeps on my bed with us and comes to work with me lucky i have a boss who adores dogs :- "
Oh thank you I was so worried about him and to be honest I am at my wits end listening to all the barking and whining :( The easy option would be to just give in to him. But guess what last night we had a breakthrough!! I put him in his crate with his teddy and hot water bottle and i got into bed, turned off the light and nothing! Not a sound! He was quiet for the whole night until he stirred at 7 this morning!!! (w00t) What a relief, lets hope this is the start of things to come now :wub:
barkingmad said:
Oh thank you I was so worried about him and to be honest I am at my wits end listening to all the barking and whining :( The easy option would be to just give in to him. But guess what last night we had a breakthrough!! I put him in his crate with his teddy and hot water bottle and i got into bed, turned off the light and nothing! Not a sound! He was quiet for the whole night until he stirred at 7 this morning!!!  (w00t) What a relief, lets hope this is the start of things to come now :wub:

Woooo hooooo well done (w00t) :thumbsup:
Yes, well done ... how's he been last night, too? Hope you've had a good weekend and lots of sleep (and peace and quiet) ...
It's so tiring isn't it, well done - it sounds like you're making progress.

My two would cry all night for months when I tried to make them sleep downstairs, but when I got back from Egypt last summer I was really ill and couldn't be bothered with all the crying so I let them sleep upstairs, they've been as good as gold since.

Tiny gets on the bed about 1.30 am (but very quietly so he doesn't wake anyone) and he doesn't wake up until at least 7.30. This morning it was 9am!! (w00t)
yippee well done love, thats it now youve done the hardest part. you might have the odd relaps but it should be plain sailing from here.
Well its still all good, now at night I just say 'time for bed' and I throw a few treats in his cage. He runs in, I close the cage door get into bed, turn off the light and thats him for the night, not a peep out of him. He also keeps his cage clean all night. He has also stopped barking in the car!! He gives a few little whimpers then curls up and goes to sleep. In the morning I get up, have my breakfast, then give him his. I play with him for a little while then its time for me to go have my shower, this is when he starts to kick off. I put him in his cage with his kong and leave the room. He barks all through me having a shower and getting dressed, I usually just pop out to the supermarket then (he is still barking as I leave), Im usually gone for about an hour, I leave the tv or radio on for him while im gone. I dont know how long he barks for but he is always asleep when I return. Should I keep up this routine? I guess its different from night time as at night I am in the room with him. Do you think he will stop barking in the mornings eventually too? I only lock him in his cage during the day when I am leaving him, although I do feed him in his cage with the door open. I will be able to take him out walking soon so hopefully that will tire him out a little more. What do you think?
Oh also has anyone any advise on how to stop him chasing my cat? He really wants to play with her and bounces around in front of her, she has given him numerous swipes on the nose but it does not seem to put him off, he is a very confident little thing and when they are in the garden he runs for her, sometimes she stands her ground and he bounces around her, then she runs and he chases her, he also chases her in the house sometimes, how can I nip this in the bud before it becomes a habit? I have had the puppy just over two weeks. Thanks
You must pounce (sorry :b ) on the cat chasing thing before it becomes a habit and your cat leaves home/becomes scared. Squirt him with water if he so much as looks at your cat and say NO & LEAVE VERY firmly.

I wasn't firm enough when I got Lupin/Zephyr and now my poor cats bolt whenever they see the dogs. It's much easier to cat train when they are small pups so don't let him get away with it. I'm really struggling to rectify the situation now and wish I'd done what I'm suggesting to you. :b
I have tried squirting him with water when he is near the cat but the cat got wet too :oops: and now the cat is afraid of the water pistol :wacko:
I used to put my pups on the lead when the cat was around, to get some control, along with a really firm "No!".

I'm surprised the cat bopping didn't work. My two are scared stiff of our cat, won't go through a door if he's guarding it - they know he's got sharp bits! :lol:

Maybe your pup will learn once he's had a serious encounter with a sharp bit?! Otherwise, I'd do some training by keeping the pup on the lead while the cat's around :thumbsup:
Tilly has a scar dont her nose from a sharp bit of cat..she stays away, unless the cat runs in the garden then she is fair game...